
minimum bounding rectangle MBR or AABB - 2d space - in rust

Primary LanguageRust


Minimum bounding rectangle (MBR)- axis aligned rectangle in 2d space.


[INFO tarpaulin] Coverage Results:
|| Uncovered Lines:
|| Tested/Total Lines:
|| src/lib.rs: 195/195
|| src/mbr_tests.rs: 293/293
100.00% coverage, 488/488 lines covered


fn main() {
    let pt =  [367.74747560229144, 363.2231833134207];
    let a = MBR::new( 350.,  400. ,  200.,  250. );
    let b = [300., 200., 400., 350.].into();
    println!("a intersects b = {} ", a.intersects(&b));
    println!("a disjoint b = {} ", a.disjoint(&b));
    println!("a equals b = {} ", a == b);

    let inter = a.intersection(&b).unwrap();
    println!("{}", inter); //POLYGON ((300 250,300 350,350 350,350 250,300 250))
                           //intersection (same as inter above)
    let mut inter_a_b = (&a & &b).unwrap();
    println!("area A={}, area B={}; A&B {}", a.area(), b.area(), inter_a_b.area());
    //area A=22500, area B=15000; A&B 5000
    println!("inter_a_b intersects pt = {}", inter_a_b.intersects_point(&pt));

    let union_a_b = &a | &b;
    println!("area A={}, area B={}; A|B {}", a.area(), b.area(), union_a_b.area());
    //area A=22500, area B=15000; A+B 40000
    println!("a | b = {}", union_a_b);

    //some methods :
    println!("is a&b decompose as point = {}", inter_a_b.is_point());
    println!("width  of a&b = {}", inter_a_b.width());
    println!("height of a&b = {}", inter_a_b.height());
    inter_a_b.expand_by_delta(30.0, 25.0);
    println!("{}", inter_a_b); //POLYGON ((270 225,270 375,380 375,380 225,270 225))

    println!("inter_a_b intersects pt = {}", inter_a_b.intersects_point(&pt));
    println!("inter_a_b intersects pt = {}", inter_a_b.intersects_xy(pt[0], pt[1]));
    println!("inter_a_b intersects pt = {}", inter_a_b.contains(&MBR::new_from_pt(pt)));
    println!("inter_a_b intersects pt = {}", inter_a_b.contains_xy(pt[0], pt[1]));

    println!("a distance to mbr(pt) = {}", a.distance(&MBR::new_from_pt(pt)));

Intersection = A & B


Union =A | B


Intersection exapand by dx=30,dy=25




struct MBR {
    pub minx: f64,
    pub miny: f64,
    pub maxx: f64,
    pub maxy: f64,


New MBR given ll & ur


New MBR given ll (x1, y1) & ur(x2, y2)

fn new_raw(minx: f64, miny: f64, maxx: f64, maxy: f64) -> MBR

New MBR from zero value

fn new_default() -> MBR

New MBR from point(x, y)

fn new_from_pt(a: [f64; 2]) -> MBR

New MBR from array of 4 coordinates [x1, y1, x2, y2]

fn new_from_array(o: [f64; 4]) -> MBR


bbox is reference to self

fn bbox(&self) -> &Self

copy copy of self

fn copy(&self) -> Self

width of bounding box.

fn width(&self) -> f64

height of bounding box.

fn height(&self) -> f64

area of bounding box.

fn area(&self) -> f64

as a closed polygon coordinates

fn as_poly_array(&self) -> Vec<[f64; 2]>

as an array

fn as_array(&self) -> [f64; 4]

bounds as tuple (minx,miny, maxx,maxy)

fn as_tuple(&self) -> (f64, f64, f64, f64)

Lower left and upper right: Point(minx,miny)-Point(maxx,maxy)

fn llur(self) -> [[f64; 2]; 2]

lower left - [minx,miny]

fn ll(self) -> [f64; 2]

upper right - [maxx,maxy]

fn ur(self) -> [f64; 2]

equality of two bounding boxes

fn equals(&self, other: &Self) -> bool

is it a point, width and height as 0.

fn is_point(&self) -> bool

check for containment of other

fn contains(&self, other: &Self) -> bool

contains x, y

fn contains_xy(&self, x: f64, y: f64) -> bool

completely contains other

fn completely_contains(&self, other: &Self) -> bool

completely contains x, y

fn completely_contains_xy(&self, x: f64, y: f64) -> bool

translate by dx, dy

fn translate(&self, dx: f64, dy: f64) -> MBR

centre of bounding box

fn centre(&self) -> Point

intersects other box

fn intersects(&self, other: &Self) -> bool

intersects point

fn intersects_point(&self, pt: &[f64])  -> bool

intersects x, y

fn intersects_xy(&self, x: f64, y: f64) -> bool

intersects bounds

fn intersects_bounds(&self, pt1: &[f64], pt2: &[f64]) -> bool

checks disjoint between boxes

fn disjoint(&self, m: &Self) -> bool

intersection between boxes

fn intersection(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<MBR>

expand to include other box

fn expand_to_include(&mut self, other: &Self) -> &mut MBR

expand to include x, y

fn expand_to_include_xy(&mut self, x: f64, y: f64) -> &mut Self

expand by deltas : dx, dy (pad x and y dimension by dx and dy)

fn expand_by_delta(&mut self, dx: f64, dy: f64) -> &mut MBR

dx, dy between two bounding boxes

fn distance_dxdy(&self, other: &Self) -> (f64, f64)

distance between boxes

fn distance(&self, other: &Self) -> f64

square distance between boxes

fn distance_square(&self, other: &Self) -> f64

wkt string

fn wkt(&self) -> String