
Distributed PageRank via message passing

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains a simple implementation of the PageRank algorithm based on the MPI standard. Since PageRank does not scale well on multiple computational nodes for the high volume of data exchanged, this project is mostly an academic exercise.


The code depends on Armadillo (a linear algebra library) and was tested using MPICH 3.2.

On Ubuntu and similar, install these dependencies via apt:

$ apt-get install build-essential mpich libarmadillo-dev

On Mac OS, use Homebrew (gcc-6 not strictly required):

$ brew install gcc
$ HOMEBREW_CC=gcc-6 HOMEBREW_CXX=g++-6 brew install mpich --build-from-source
$ brew install homebrew/science/armadillo


Just make pprank and test it on the toy data set:

$ make pprank
mpic++ -std=c++11 -march=native -O3 -Wall -o pprank \
    src/pprank.cpp src/utils.cpp \
    -Iinclude -larmadillo
$ mpiexec -n 2 ./pprank inputs/toy-3-2.txt
[*] Building the sparse transition matrix...[0.00 s]
        Nodes:      3
        Edges:      2
        Dangling:   1
[*] Computing PageRanks (tol=1.00e-06)...[20 iterations / 0.00 s]
        (MASTER) Work time: 0.00 s
        (MASTER) Netw time: 0.00 s
[*] Writing PageRanks to file...[0.00 s]
$ cat PageRanks-3-2.txt
000000000: 1.844169e-01
000000001: 3.411710e-01
000000002: 4.744120e-01

As specified in src/utils.cpp, the following assumptions are made for the input data set:

  • the filename must contain the number of nodes and the number of edges of the graph, matching the regular expression "(\d+)-(\d+)"
  • lines starting with '#' are not parsed
  • node ids are zero-based
  • there are no duplicate edges
  • edges are ordered by source node id
  • it must end with a newline


Results obtained on the LiveJournal social network data set using a MacBook Pro (MacOS 10.12.3 - GCC 6.3.0 - MPICH 3.2 - Armadillo 7.700.0) with a 2 GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 processor and 8 GB of 1600 MHz DDR3L RAM:

$ md5 ./soc-LiveJournal1-4847571-68993773.txt
MD5 (./soc-LiveJournal1-4847571-68993773.txt) = 75928465992ef84da938c2ceae74b5dd

$ mpiexec -n 1 ./pprank ./soc-LiveJournal1-4847571-68993773.txt
[*] Building the sparse transition matrix...[7.06 s]
        Nodes:      4847571
        Edges:      68993773
        Dangling:   539119
[*] Computing PageRanks (tol=1.00e-06)...[51 iterations / 38.78 s]
        (MASTER) Work time: 33.54 s
        (MASTER) Netw time: 0.45 s
[*] Writing PageRanks to file...[9.13 s]

$ mpiexec -n 2 ./pprank ./soc-LiveJournal1-4847571-68993773.txt
[*] Building the sparse transition matrix...[6.02 s]
        Nodes:      4847571
        Edges:      68993773
        Dangling:   539119
[*] Computing PageRanks (tol=1.00e-06)...[51 iterations / 36.74 s]
        (MASTER) Work time: 29.01 s
        (MASTER) Netw time: 1.10 s
[*] Writing PageRanks to file...[9.54 s]

$ mpiexec -n 3 ./pprank ./soc-LiveJournal1-4847571-68993773.txt
[*] Building the sparse transition matrix...[8.83 s]
        Nodes:      4847571
        Edges:      68993773
        Dangling:   539119
[*] Computing PageRanks (tol=1.00e-06)...[51 iterations / 36.72 s]
        (MASTER) Work time: 26.74 s
        (MASTER) Netw time: 1.52 s
[*] Writing PageRanks to file...[10.06 s]

$ mpiexec -n 4 ./pprank ./soc-LiveJournal1-4847571-68993773.txt
[*] Building the sparse transition matrix...[7.89 s]
        Nodes:      4847571
        Edges:      68993773
        Dangling:   539119
[*] Computing PageRanks (tol=1.00e-06)...[51 iterations / 35.29 s]
        (MASTER) Work time: 23.68 s
        (MASTER) Netw time: 1.43 s
[*] Writing PageRanks to file...[10.65 s]

Results obtained on the same data set using a cluster of four identical machines (Ubuntu 16.04.1 - GCC 5.4.0 - MPICH 3.2 - Armadillo 6.500.5) connected by a gigabit switch, each equipped with a 3.20 GHz dual-core Intel i3-550 processor and 4 GB of DDR3 RAM:

$ md5sum soc-LiveJournal1-4847571-68993773.txt
75928465992ef84da938c2ceae74b5dd  soc-LiveJournal1-4847571-68993773.txt

$ mpiexec -n 1 --hosts hpc02,hpc03,hpc04,hpc05 --disable-hostname-propagation ./pprank ./soc-LiveJournal1-4847571-68993773.txt
[*] Building the sparse transition matrix...[11.09 s]
        Nodes:      4847571
        Edges:      68993773
        Dangling:   539119
[*] Computing PageRanks (tol=1.00e-06)...[51 iterations / 56.25 s]
        (MASTER) Work time: 53.14 s
        (MASTER) Netw time: 0.31 s
[*] Writing PageRanks to file...[10.61 s]

$ mpiexec -n 2 --hosts hpc02,hpc03,hpc04,hpc05 --disable-hostname-propagation ./pprank ./soc-LiveJournal1-4847571-68993773.txt
[*] Building the sparse transition matrix...[11.26 s]
        Nodes:      4847571
        Edges:      68993773
        Dangling:   539119
[*] Computing PageRanks (tol=1.00e-06)...[51 iterations / 56.64 s]
        (MASTER) Work time: 43.98 s
        (MASTER) Netw time: 10.19 s
[*] Writing PageRanks to file...[10.47 s]

$ mpiexec -n 3 --hosts hpc02,hpc03,hpc04,hpc05 --disable-hostname-propagation ./pprank ./soc-LiveJournal1-4847571-68993773.txt
[*] Building the sparse transition matrix...[7.87 s]
        Nodes:      4847571
        Edges:      68993773
        Dangling:   539119
[*] Computing PageRanks (tol=1.00e-06)...[51 iterations / 69.91 s]
        (MASTER) Work time: 36.19 s
        (MASTER) Netw time: 31.26 s
[*] Writing PageRanks to file...[11.00 s]

$ mpiexec -n 4 --hosts hpc02,hpc03,hpc04,hpc05 --disable-hostname-propagation ./pprank ./soc-LiveJournal1-4847571-68993773.txt
[*] Building the sparse transition matrix...[7.83 s]
        Nodes:      4847571
        Edges:      68993773
        Dangling:   539119
[*] Computing PageRanks (tol=1.00e-06)...[51 iterations / 53.53 s]
        (MASTER) Work time: 30.78 s
        (MASTER) Netw time: 20.20 s
[*] Writing PageRanks to file...[10.72 s]


In this repository, I also included a sequential version of PageRank which does not require an MPI implementation (see src/sequential.cpp) and a few tests based on the Catch framework:

$ make tests
g++-6 -std=c++11 -march=native -O3 -Wall -o tests \
	src/utils.cpp src/tests.cpp \
	-Iinclude -larmadillo
$ ./tests
All tests passed (45 assertions in 3 test cases)