
Scala library for working with Experience API (xAPI) resources

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

xAPI Scala

Build Status


Scala library for creating and working with Experience API (xAPI) resources (such as statements and documents).

The Experience API (xAPI) is a standard that describes an interoperable means to document and communicate information about learning experiences. It specifies a structure to describe learning experiences and defines how these descriptions can be exchanged electronically.

The library has been cross-built for Scala 3 and Scala 2.13, and is available from Maven Central.

/* sbt */
libraryDependencies += "io.integralla" %% "xapi-scala" % "1.0.0"
/* Scala CLI */
//> using dep io.integralla:xapi-scala_3:1.0.0
# Apache Spark
spark-shell --packages io.integralla:xapi-scala_2.13:1.0.0

Basic Usage

Statement Creation

Create a basic statement with an explicit identifier:

import io.integralla.xapi.model._

val statement = Statement(
  actor = Agent(
    objectType = Some(StatementObjectType.Agent),
    mbox = Some(MBox("mailto:demo@example.com"))
  verb = StatementVerb(
    id = IRI("http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/created"),
    display = Some(LanguageMap(Map("en-US" -> "created")))
  `object` = StatementObject(
    Activity(None, IRI("http://example.adlnet.gov/xapi/example/activity"), None)

Encoding / Decoding

Encode the statement as JSON, using the toJson method:

val encoded: String = statement.toJson(spaces = true)
  "actor": {
    "objectType": "Agent",
    "mbox": "mailto:demo@example.com"
  "verb": {
    "id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/created",
    "display": {
      "en-US": "created"
  "object": {
    "id": "http://example.adlnet.gov/xapi/example/activity"

Decode a JSON representation of a statement, using an apply method:

val decoded: Try[Statement] = Statement(encoded)
assert(decoded.get == statement)

Notable Features

Encoding / Decoding

A Statement, and every other data type supported by the model, can be encoded as a JSON string using a built-in method called toJson as demonstrated above in the "Basic Usage" section.

Similarly, every supported data type supports decoding from JSON using an apply method that is made available via a companion object to the data type case class or enum.

This library uses circe, for encoding / decoding. Semi-automatic derivation is used in most cases, with custom codecs used for complex scenarios.

Statement Validation

Upon object creation (including decoding), a number of validations are performed to ensure that the statement is structurally correct, and that properties that can / should be parsed and handled as a specific reference type (for example, an IRI) can be parsed and handled as such.

If validation fails, a StatementValidationException will be thrown with an explanatory message indicating why validation failed.

JSON schema validation is assumed for basic validation needs, including pattern matching against strings for such things as UUIDs, hashes, etc.

Logical Equivalence Testing

The xAPI specification requires the ability to test statements for logical equivalence in certain contexts such as ensuring statement immutability and verifying statement signatures. This can be accomplished using an isEquivalentTo method available for the Statement data type (and most others).

val left: Statement = ???
val right: Statement = ???

Listing Agent / Activity References

Filtering statements based upon whether they reference an agent and/or activity can become complex due to the fact that either object type can be referenced in multiple places. This gets even more difficult when dealing with sub-statements. In order to make all of this easier, the Statement data type supports methods to retrieve a list of agent references, or a list of activity references, where the reference data type provides context to facilitate filtering requirements.

Method Name Return Type Description
activityReferences List[ActivityReference] Extracts and returns all activities (if any) referenced by the statement
agentReferences List[AgentReference] A list of agent references across all parts of the statement

For an activity, the reference model defines the type of reference (for example, as a statement object or a parent, grouping, category, or other context activity), as well as a property to indicate whether the reference occurs in a sub-statement.

For an agent, the reference model defines the type of reference (for example, an actor, object, authority, instructor, team), whether the reference occurs in a sub-statement, and whether it is as a standalone agent or as member of a group.

Agent / Group Identifiers Helpers

The xAPI specification defines four types of Inverse Functional Identifiers (IFI) to uniquely identify agents or identified groups within a statement. The library offers a couple of methods to simplify working with these identifiers:

Method Name Return Type Description
ifiType Option[String] The IFI type name (for example, account)
ifiValue Option[String] The IFI value as a string (for example, http://www.example.com#123456)
ifiKey Option[String] An IFI key composed of its type and value (for example, account#http://www.example.com#123456)

The ifiKey method is particularly useful for filtering or grouping by agent.

Statement Manipulation

On decoding statements, we've chosen to keep the modifications to the minimum required for validation, deferring all other necessary manipulations to downstream processing such as would typically occur before persistence (for example, adding an identifier or setting the stored timestamp property).

The only mutation made on decoding is to change the context.contextActivities property to an array if it is set to a single Activity object (something allowed for backwards compatibility only).


Please consult the source code, which is well documented, for additional features / details.


All suggestions are welcome!

This project uses the sbt build tool:

sbt 'compile;test'

Use scalafmt to ensure code style compliance:

sbt scalafmt


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Copyright 2024 Integralla LLC (https://integralla.com/)

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.