Tango Rewards as a Service v2 API for PHP

TangoCard RAAS PHP SDK for RAAS api v2

Refer to Tango Raas API for actual response and requests. https://integration-www.tangocard.com/raas_api_console/v2/


Initialize the base Tango Object with your API credentials.

$tangocard = new TangoCard('PLATFORM_ID','PLATFORM_KEY');

$tangocard->setAppMode("sandbox"); //Default mode is production.

Valid Values : "production", "sandbox"

Raas API Calls:

All Raas api calls return a stdObject with two properties: status and data The data property contains the response from the RaaS API as an stdObject.

Response Structure:

Integrateideas\TangoRaasApi\TangoCardResponse Object
    [status] => //contains status of the request : True if api response is 2x else false
    [data] => stdClass Object
        	//contains requested data
  1. Get a list of all Customers

  2. Create a new Customer

  3. Get details for a specific Customer

  4. Get a list of all Accounts created for a specific Customer

  5. Create an Account under a specific Customer

  6. Get a list of Accounts

  7. Get details for a specific Account

  8. Fund an Account

  9. Unregister a Credit Card

  10. List all credit cards

  11. Register a new Credit Card

  12. Get details for a specific Credit Card

  13. Get all items in the Platform's Catalog

  14. Get a list of Orders

  15. Create an Order under a specific Account

  16. Get details for a specific Order

  17. Resend a specific Order
