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AF_XDP Plugins for Kubernetes

A Kubernetes device plugin and CNI plugin to provide AF_XDP networking to Kubernetes pods.

Deploy the Plugins

Assuming you have a functional Kubernetes cluster and environment as described in the prerequisites, the plugins can be deployed with the following command: kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/intel/afxdp-plugins-for-kubernetes/main/deployments/daemonset.yml

This will deploy the daemonset with the default configuration described in deployments/daemonset.yml. Alternatively, to customize the configuration:

  • Download daemonset.yaml: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/intel/afxdp-plugins-for-kubernetes/main/deployments/daemonset.yml
  • Update daemonset.yml with the required configuration. See the Device Plugin Config section.
  • Deploy the plugins with the updated config: kubectl create -f daemonset.yml

Running AF_XDP Pods

  • Create a network attachment definition file. This is the config for the CNI plugin.
  • Create a pod spec:
    • An example pod spec can be found under examples/pod-spec.yaml
    • Configure the pod spec to use a suitable Docker image and to reference the network attachment definition as well as the resource type from the Device Plugin. See comments in the example file.
    • kubectl create -f pod-spec.yaml


Running the Plugins

The following prerequisites are required to run the plugins:

  • OS
    • Any OS that supports Kubernetes should work.
    • Tested on Ubuntu 20.04.
  • Kernel
    • AF_XDP support started from Linux kernel 4.18.
  • Docker (or more recently Podman)
    • All recent versions should work.

    • Tested on 20.10.5, 20.10.7, 20.10.12, 20.10.14, 20.10.18.

    • Note: You may need to disable memlock on Docker. Add the following section to /etc/docker/daemon.json:

      "default-ulimits": {
      "memlock": {
          "Name": "memlock",
          "Hard": -1,
          "Soft": -1

      Restart the Docker service: systemctl restart docker.service

  • Kubernetes
    • All recent versions should work.
    • Tested on 1.20.2, 1.21.1, v1.22.4, v1.22.8, v1.23.0, v1.23.5.
  • A CNI network
  • Multus CNI
  • Kind

Development Prerequisites

The following prerequisites are required to build and deploy the plugins from source:

  • GoLang
    • To build the plugin binaries.
    • All recent versions should work.
    • Tested on 1.13.8, 1.15.15, 1.17, 1.17.1, 1.17.8, 1.18, 1.19.
    • Download and install.
  • Libbpf
    • To load and unload the XDP program onto the network device.
    • Install on Ubuntu 20.10+: apt install libbpf-dev
    • Older versions: Install from source.
  • GCC Compiler
    • To compile the C code used to call on the BPF Library.
    • Install on Ubuntu: apt install build-essential
  • Binutils
    • Used in archiving of C code object file.
    • Install on Ubuntu: apt install binutils
  • Clang
    • Compiling the bpf progs for Kind.
    • Install on Ubuntu: apt install clang
  • gcc-multilib
    • Compiling the bpf progs for Kind.
    • Install on Ubuntu: apt install gcc-multilib
  • llvm
    • Compiling the bpf progs for Kind.
    • Install on Ubuntu: apt install llvm

Static analysis, linting and formatting

The following static analysis, linting and formatting tools are not required for building and deploying but are built into some of the Make targets and enforced by CI. It is recommended to have these installed on your development system.

  • GoFmt
    • Applies standard formatting to Go code.
    • Supplied with GoLang.
  • Go Vet
    • Examines Go source code and reports suspicious constructs.
    • Supplied with GoLang.
  • GolangCI-Lint
    • A Go linters aggregator.
    • Install: curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh | sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin v1.42.1
  • Hadolint
    • A Dockerfile linter that helps build best practice into Docker images.
    • Runs in Docker container.
  • Shellcheck
    • A static analysis tool for shell scripts.
    • Install on Ubuntu: apt install shellcheck
  • Clang Format
    • Applies standard formatting to C code.
    • Install on Ubuntu: apt install clang-format
  • CLOC
    • Count Lines Of Code, counts lines of code in many programming languages.
    • Install on Ubuntu: apt install cloc
  • Staticcheck
    • Static analysis tool used to perform debugging, identify performance issues, style rules and highlights code simplifications.
    • Golang package which requires go environment go install honnef.co/go/tools/cmd/staticcheck@latest
  • Trivy
    • A comprehensive and versatile security scanner.

    • Install on Ubuntu:

      sudo apt-get install wget apt-transport-https gnupg lsb-release
      wget -qO - https://aquasecurity.github.io/trivy-repo/deb/public.key | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/trivy.gpg > /dev/null
      echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/trivy.gpg] https://aquasecurity.github.io/trivy-repo/deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/trivy.list
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install trivy

Build and Deploy from Source

  • Clone this repo and cd into it.
  • Optional: Update configuration. See Device Plugin Config.
  • Run make deploy.

The following steps happen automatically:

  1. make build is executed, resulting in CNI and Device Plugin binaries in ./bin.
  2. make image is executed, resulting in the creation of a new Docker image that includes the CNI and Device Plugin binaries.

    NOTE: If testing on a multi-node cluster. The current absence of a Docker registry means this image will first need to be manually copied to all nodes (or rebuilt on all nodes using: make image).*

  3. The daemonset will run on all nodes, installing the CNI and starting the Device Plugin running on each node.

The CNI and Device Plugin are now deployed.

Deploying on Kind

  • Clone this repo and cd into it.
  • Optional: Update the Kind configuration files: hack/kind-config.yaml and deployments/daemonset-kind.yaml.
  • Run make run-on-kind.

This will deploy a kind cluster with a control plane and two worker nodes. It will build and run the DP daemonset, and install the CNI on all nodes.

Running Pods

  • Create a network attachment definition file. This is the config for the CNI plugin.
  • Create a pod spec:
    • An example pod spec can be found under examples/kind-pod-spec.yaml
    • Configure the pod spec to use a suitable Docker image and to reference the network attachment definition as well as the resource type from the Device Plugin. See comments in the example file.
    • kubectl create -f kind-pod-spec.yaml

NOTE: With kind, you will need to give the pods CAP_BPF privilege UNLESS you run the following commands: docker exec <node-name> sudo sysctl kernel.unprivileged_bpf_disabled=0. Where node names are: af-xdp-deployment-worker and af-xdp-deployment-worker2.

Device Plugin Config

Under normal circumstances the device plugin config is set as part of a config map at the top of the daemonset.yml file.

The device plugin binary can also be run manually on the host for development and testing purposes. In these scenarios the device plugin will search for a config.json file in its current directory, or the device plugin can be pointed to a config file using the -config flag followed by a filepath.

In both scenarios, daemonset deployment or manually running the binary, the structure of the config is identical JSON format.


The device plugin has a concept of device pools. Devices in this case being network devices, netdevs. The device plugin can simultaneously have multiple pools of devices. Different pools can have different configurations to suit different use cases. Devices can be added/configured to the pool in a few different ways, explained below. Pools have two required fields, a name and a mode.

The name is the unique name used to identify a pool. The name is used in the pod spec to request devices from this pool. For example, if a pool is named myPool, any pods requiring devices from this pool will request resources of type afxdp/myPool.

The mode is the mode this pool operates in. Mode determines how pools scale and there are currently two accepted modes - primary and cdq. Primary mode means there is no scaling, the AF_XDP pod is provided with the full NIC port (the primary device). CDQ mode means that subfunctions will be used to scale the pool, so pods each get their own secondary device (a subfunction) meaning many pods can share a primary device (NIC port). Additional secondary device modes are planned.

The example below shows how to configure two pools in different modes.

NOTE: Currently, CDQ is not publicly available yet, but will be in the future.

         "name": "myCdqPool",
         "mode": "cdq"
         "name": "myPrimarypool",
         "mode": "primary"

NOTE_1: that the above is not a fully working example as the pools have not yet been configured with devices. This will not pass the device plugin's config validation.

NOTE_2: Each pool created will require its own network attachment definition. See the Running Pods section above and the network-attachment-definition.yaml example file for more info. The resource name provided as k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/resourceName must match the pool name.

Pool Drivers

In production environments, the most common way to add devices to a pool is through configuring drivers for that pool. When a driver is configured to a pool, the device plugin will search the node for devices using this driver and add them to that pool. A pool can have multiple drivers associated with it. Drivers are identified by their name.

The example below shows how to configure a single pool that is associated with two drivers.

         "name": "myPool",
         "mode": "primary",
               "name": "i40e"
               "name": "ice"

In the example above the device plugin will assign all devices of driver type i40e and ice to the pool myPool. The following explains how to add optional configurations that will limit the devices assigned per driver:

  • The primary field is an integer and it sets the maximum number of primary devices this pool will take, per node.
  • The secondary field is an integer and, if the pool is in a secondary device mode such as cdq, sets the maximum number of secondary devices this pool will create, per primary device.
  • The excludeDevices field is an array of devices. Any primary device identified in this array will not be added to the pool. See Pool Devices for more info on identifying devices.
  • The excludeAddressed field is a boolean and, if true, does not add any device with an IPv4 address to the pool.

In the example below a single pool is given the name myPool. The pool mode is cdq, meaning the device plugin will create subfunctions on top of the primary devices. To add primary devices to the pool the drivers field is used. In this case a single driver is identified by its name, ice, meaning the pool will be assigned primary devices that use the ice driver. To limit the number of primary ice devices assigned to the pool the primary field in this driver is set to 2, meaning only two ice devices (per node) will be assigned to this pool. Also, in use here is the excludeDevices field. Two excluded devices are identified in this case by their name, ens802f1 and ens802f2. As above, this pool will take two primary devices per node, neither will be ens802f1 or ens802f2. Finally, the secondary field is set to 50, meaning 50 secondary devices will be created per primary device. Since the pool mode in this case is cdq, it means those secondary devices will be subfunctions.

In summary: The pool afxdp/myPool will take two ice devices per node, where available. It will create a maximum of 50 subfunctions on top of each of those devices, meaning each node will have a maximum of 100 subfunctions. The devices ens802f1 and ens802f2 will not be used in this pool.

         "name": "myPool",
         "mode": "cdq",
               "name": "ice",
               "primary": 2,
               "secondary": 50,
                     "name": "ens802f1"
                     "name": "ens802f2"

Pool Devices

In addition to drivers, it is also possible to assign individual primary devices to a pool. This is not as scalable as drivers, so is intended more for smaller clusters or test environments. It should be noted that a pool can be assigned devices and drivers simultaneously.

Devices can be identified in three ways: Name, MAC and PCI. Only one form of identification can be used per device. Like drivers, devices also have an optional secondary field that limits the number of secondary devices to be created on top of the identified primary device.

In the example below a single pool is given the name myPool. The pool mode is cdq, meaning the device plugin will create subfunctions on top of the primary devices. To add primary devices to the pool the devices field is used. In this case three devices have been added:

  • The first device identified by its name is ens801f0
  • The second device identified by its mac address is 68:05:ca:2d:e9:1b
  • The third device identified by its pci address is 0000:81:00.1

The three devices, ens801f0, 68:05:ca:2d:e9:1b and 0000:81:00.1 have the secondary field set to 10, 20 and 30, meaning the device plugin will create 10, 20 and 30 secondary devices on these devices, respectively. Since the pool mode in this case is cdq, it means those secondary devices will be subfunctions.

         "name": "myPool",
         "mode": "cdq",
               "name": "ens801f0",
               "secondary": 10
               "mac": "68:05:ca:2d:e9:1b",
               "secondary": 20
               "pci": "0000:81:00.1",
               "secondary": 30

Pool Nodes

Pools have the option to include per-node configurations. This is done via the nodes field within the pool config. In general all nodes will adhere to the general configuration of the pool, meaning nodes will be assigned devices or drivers as described in the sections above. However, if a node is listed under the nodes field of the pool, the device plugin will apply a unique configuration for that particular node. This means that on chosen nodes the pool can be configured with custom device and driver settings.

It should be noted that pools do not require the general device or driver configurations and a pool can be configured entirely with per-node configurations, if desired.

Nodes are identified by their hostname. This is the hostname as it would appear when running the command kubectl get nodes. Nodes are configured with devices and drivers exactly as described in the corresponding sections above.

In the example below a single pool is given the name myPool. The pool mode is cdq, meaning the device plugin will create subfunctions on top of the primary devices. For this pool, the drivers field is configured so that most nodes will assign all their ice devices, but will exclude any ice device named ens801f3 due to it being listed under excludedDevices. However, there are also three node-specific configs included:

  • The first node with hostname k8snode1 is simply configured to assign ice devices to the pool. This is very similar to the general pool config for myPool, except there are no excluded devices. If ens801f3 exists on this node, it will be added to myPool.

  • The second node with hostname k8snode2 is configured with both devices and drivers:

    • Two devices, ens801f3 and ens801f1, will be added to myPool from k8snode2.

    • There is one driver configured under the drivers field, the driver is named ice. The primary setting of 1 means only one of the available ice devices will be added form k8snode2 and the excludedDevices setting ensures this device will not be ens801f2.

    • The third node with hostname k8snode3 has no devices or drivers configured. Even if k8snode3 has ice devices available, they will not be added to myPool.

         "name": "myPool",
         "mode": "cdq",
               "name": "ice",
                     "name": "ens801f3"
               "hostname": "k8snode1",
                     "name": "ice"
               "hostname": "k8snode2",
                     "name": "ens801f3"
                     "name": "ens801f1"
                     "name": "ice",
                           "name": "ens801f2"
                     "primary": 1,
                     "secondary": 20
               "hostname": "k8snode3"

Other Pool Configurations

Below are some additional optional configurations that can be applied to pools.


UID is an integer configuration. It is useful in scenarios where the AF_XDP pod runs as a non-zero user. This configuration can be used to inform the device plugin about the user ID of the pod. This allows that non-zero user to use the UDS without issue. If unset, then only user 0 can use the UDS. Note: User 0 does not imply that the pod needs to be privileged.


UdsServerDisable is a Boolean configuration. If set to true, devices in this pool will not have the BPF app loaded onto the netdev. This means no UDS server is spun up when a device is allocated to a pod. By default, this is set to false.


BpfMapPinningEnable is a Boolean configuration. If set to true, will use BPF map pinning instead of a UDS to share an XSK map with a pod. By default, this is set to false. Should set UdsServerDisable to true when using this configuration.

NOTE: When using this setting it's important to adjust the securityContext for the DP Daemonset to privileged: true to allow for bidirectional propagation of the volume where the BPF maps are pinned. this will no longer be needed when the DP is integrated with bpfman. An example deamonset configuration is shown in deamonset-pinning.yaml

NOTE: If the kernel is <= 5.18, CAP_BPF capability should be added to the container in the Pod.


UdsTimeout is an integer configuration. This value sets the amount of time, in seconds, that the UDS server will wait while there is no activity on the UDS. When this timeout limit is reached, the UDS server terminates and the UDS is deleted from the filesystem. This can be a useful setting, for example, in scenarios where large batches of pods are created together. Large batches of pods tend to take some time to spin up, so it might be beneficial to have the UDS server sit waiting a little longer for the pod to start. The maximum allowed value is 300 seconds (5 min). The minimum and default value is 30 seconds.


RequiresUnprivilegedBpf is a Boolean configuration. Linux systems can be configured with a sysctl setting called unprivileged_bpf_disabled. If unprivileged_bpf_disabled is set, it means eBPF operations cannot be performed by unprivileged users (or pods) on this host. If your use case requires unprivileged eBPF, this pool configuration should be set to true. When set to true, the pool will not take any devices from a node where unprivileged eBPF has been prohibited. This will mean that pods requesting devices from this pool will only be scheduled on nodes where unprivileged eBPF is allowed. The default value is false.


The example below has two pools configured.

The first pool:

  • Has the name myPrimarypool.
  • Is in primary mode, meaning no secondary devices will be created. Pods requesting afxdp/myPrimarypool will be allocated the full NIC port.
  • The drivers field for this pool has one driver, i40e, meaning this pool will be assigned i40e devices, where available.
  • The uid field for this pool is set to 1500 meaning the AF_XDP pod can run as user 1500 and use the UDS without issue.
  • The udsTimeout field for this pool is set to 300, meaning the UDS server will only time out and terminate after 5 minutes of inactivity on the UDS.
  • The RequiresUnprivilegedBpf field is set to true meaning this pool will only be assigned devices from nodes where unprivileged eBPF is allowed.

The second pool:

  • Has the name myCdqPool.
  • Is in cdq mode, meaning the device plugin will create subfunctions on top of the primary devices.
  • The drivers field for this pool has one driver, ice, meaning this pool will be assigned ice devices, where available.
  • The UdsServerDisable field is set to true, meaning no BPF app will be loaded onto the devices as they are being allocated to pods, so pods requesting afxdp/myCdqPool will be allocated "raw" subfunctions with nothing loaded.
               "name": "i40e"
         "name": "myCdqPool",
         "mode": "cdq",
         "UdsServerDisable": true,
               "name": "ice"


A log file and log level can be configured for the device plugin.

  • The log file is set using the logFile field. This file will be placed under /var/log/afxdp-k8s-plugins/.
  • The log level is set using the logLevel field. Available options are:
    • error - Only logs errors.
    • warning - Logs errors and warnings.
    • info - Logs errors, warnings and basic info about the operation of the device plugin.
    • debug - Logs all the above along with additional in-depth info about the operation of the device plugin.

The example below shows a config including log settings.


Kind Cluster

The kindCluster flag is used to indicate if this is a physical cluster or a Kind cluster.

       "kindCluster": true,
       "logLevel": "debug",
       "logFile": "afxdp-dp.log",
             "name": "myPool",
             "mode": "primary",
                   "name": "i40e"
                   "name": "ice"

Ethtool Filters

Ethtool filters can be applied to devices during CNI runtime. This setting can only be assigned to devices in a primary mode pool from the networkAttachmentDefinition file. The EthtoolCmds field is an array of strings. These strings should be formatted exactly as if setting Ethtool filters where manually from the command line. Some Ethtool filters require the device name or the IP address and in these instances, the user can substitute these with -device- and -ip- respectively. The plugins will apply the filters with the correct name and IP address when they become known during pod creation.

From the examples/network-attachment-definition.yaml file: ethtoolCmds field has two filters configured. This means the filters ethtool -X <device> equal 5 start 3 and ethtool --config-ntuple -device- flow-type udp4 dst-ip <ip> action will be configured on all devices as they are being attached to the AF_XDP pods. The plugins will substitute <device> and <ip> accordingly.

*Note: When setting ethtool commands in the ethtoolCmds field, the 'ethtool' prefix must be removed.


Output from CLOC (count lines of code) - github.com/AlDanial/cloc

Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Go                              35            855           1477           7572
YAML                            20             39             47            888
Markdown                         4            125              0            690
Bourne Shell                     6             61             63            513
C                                2             34             32            158
make                             1             23             18            149
JSON                             2              0              0             32
C/C++ Header                     2             10             28             28
Dockerfile                       1              1             12              3
SUM:                            73           1148           1677          10033

High Level Architecture

Sequence Diagram

Make help

To see the available build targets use make help

$ make help

  make <target>
  help             Display this help.

General Build - assumes K8s environment is already setup
  docker           Build docker image
  podman           Build podman image
  undeploy         Undeploy the Deamonset
  deploy           Deploy the Deamonset and CNI

General setup
  setup-flannel    Setup flannel
  setup-multus     Setup multus

Kind Deployment - sets up a kind cluster and deploys the plugin and CNI
  del-kind         Remove a kind cluster called af-xdp-deployment
  setup-kind       Setup a kind cluster called af-xdp-deployment
  label-kind-nodes  label the kind worker nodes with cndp="true"
  kind-deploy      Deploy the Deamonset and CNI in Kind
  run-on-kind      Setup a kind cluster and deploy the device plugin