- adarshyogaIntel Corporation
- AshburnLeeIntel
- BRUCE11111
- choi95Hanyang University AI Dept.
- DucHUNG312Hanoi University of Science and Technology
- GaoXiangYa
- gglin001
- ilitov
- jagtShanghai
- jmikedupont2@meta-introspector
- jmpnz/dev/hugepages
- Kevin-Delnoije
- kurapov-peter
- kziemskiQCOMPUTE
- lin72h
- lmontignyIntel
- LongshengDu@Intel
- markram1729IIT bhilai
- meg4cyberc4tBenched
- microyeaIntel
- mrsabharFolsom, CA
- nvtrinh2001Hanoi University of Science and Technology
- owlxiao
- plutolove北京
- pOtatOxinhuawei
- rolfmorelIntel Labs (prev. University of Oxford)
- sBobHuangWuxi, Jiangsu Province, China
- thisisdoable
- TousifIqbal685
- VimalWillBangalore
- xurui1995intel
- Yun-Fly@intel
- zhczhongIntel
- ZzEeKkAaIntel