Open Community Runtime v1.0

We are pleased to announce the general, public, open-source release of OCR under the BSD license. At this time, we are seeking broader community involvement, feedback, and co-design activities – please visit the websites below for more information.

This first reference implementation is functionally complete to the OCR 1.0.0 specification, with extensive tools and demonstration examples, running on both single-node and clusters of x86 platforms. This release has focused on functional correctness and a clean design as the highest priorities.

  • The OCR project source code, documentation, specification, examples, etc. is available online
  • Performance, maturation, and feature enhancements are coming over next 18 months. Details for the near-term future plans are online OCR Release Versions

Additional details for this release:

  • Documentation: Specification and guides/how-to documents are online, along with best-practices information
  • Applications: Many applications and common HPC kernels are included in the git code repository
  • Productivity Environments: Support for productivity environments, including CNC, RStream, Habanero C, and HTA
  • Legacy Support: Legacy C environment support and an MPI implementation are included for easier code migration

Source code for this repository has moved to

git clone

Application source code and examples for OCR can be found at

git clone