
Suggested OpenVino version ?

cwyark opened this issue · 2 comments

Is there any suggested openvino version ?
I download binary openvino from website (openvino_2020.3.194) and trying to use that with ros2_opevino_tooklit.
I got an error wher env CPU_EXTENSION_LIB is not set. But I could not found any libcpu_extension.dylib under the binary.

PS: I use OSX. v10.14.6

  • It is probably because of the current verison doesn't support We are now in the progress of upgrading this package to support it in a private repo , in which object detection is enabled. It is highly recommended to use this repo for v2020.3 attemps.
  • We didn't test this package under OSX. If possibly, please try to round it under Ubuntu system to be familiar with the build environment.

Thanks for clarification.