
Parallel acceleration for detection models

Closed this issue · 6 comments

@LewisLiuPub is possible to get the functionality to have parallel execution for detection models as similar to this PR? - #143. Would be very useful to get faster speeds especially on the Movidius VPU

Hi, @joelbudu
Do you need to input multiple data from several cameras? or only use one camera but want to execute the inference by several Movidius VPUs in parallel?

@LewisLiuPub I would like to use one camera but execute the inference by several Movidius VPUs in parallel, please.

@joelbudu Can you let me know more, which model(s) are you using in this case?

Object Detection -> YOLOV2
Object Segmentation -> MaskRCNN

To update the status for multiple pipeline supporting and yolo/maskrcnn supporting:

  • Yolov2 is deprecated. Instead, Yolov5 is supported.
  • instance segmentation (maskrcnn, deeplabv3) is supported on branch ros2 (enabled for ros2 foxy/galactic)

Thank you for working on this @LewisLiuPub