Code for DC: CryptoParty

A Learning Group for Security-Conscious Civic Hackers


  • A localization of the global security awareness movement known as CryptoParty.
  • A focussed learning group. On each project night, CryptoParty will be led by a member of Code for DC.
  • Please RSVP on Meetup if you plan on eating pizza. There is also a Code of Conduct, strictly enforced.

An Excerpt from the CryptoParty Handbook:

Interested parties with computers, devices, and the willingness to learn how to use the most basic crypto programs and the fundamental concepts of their operation! CryptoParties are free to attend, public and commercially non-aligned. CryptoParty is a decentralized, global initiative to introduce basic cryptography tools - such as the Tor anonymity network, public key encryption (PGP/GPG), and OTR (Off The Record messaging) - to the general public.

CryptoParty will utilize time at project nights to do two things:

  1. The leading member will share a topic related to best practices in digital security hygiene and engage the group in discussion.
  2. Structured time will be allotted to participants who wish to implement a presented concept on a personal device.

This is a community-driven, community-owned learning group. We do not make money. We do not endorse products. We prefer the F/OSS solution, when it makes sense, over the commercially available.

Topics Covered



We are #CryptoParty on the Code for DC Slack

We believe in, support, and firmly uphold the Code for DC Code of Conduct