The DNN Azure Active Directory B2C Provider is an Authentication provider for DNN Platform (formerly DotNetNuke) that uses Azure Active Directory B2C OAuth2 authentication to authenticate users.
- cesarab
- ckjacksoncda
- coretocogl it gmbh
- david-poindexternvisionative, Inc.
- davidjrh@intelequia
- dpuffenberger
- gbulicanuGbfsoft
- gncubeUnited Kingdom
- hectorgd
- InformaticaIVF
- JoshuaRose-SB
- jratworkCompliant Pharmacy Alliance Cooperative
- marcdrexelAustria
- NYStudNew York, NY
- Rdi3nIm
- rmanjoney
- RodienNetherlands
- rodrigoratanR2 Vector
- WillStrohlUpendo Ventures
- woodyarray