
A toy virtual machine implementing a custom machine language and an ahead-of-time translator to x86_64.

Primary LanguageC++


Yet another interpreter platform

This is actually just an interpreter platform -- that is, a modular virtual machine similar to LLVM (albeit much simpler). It operates by reading one or more input files using several reader plugins which translate the source code into the byte-code, linking the resulting byte-code images and executing the resulting image in either a stack-based virtual machine or the host CPU itself (JIT-compiling the byte-code for the host CPU architecture). Except this, all components of the platform are meant to be completely portable and platform-independent.

The platform is divided into an unchangeable core and a number of modules. The core provides end-user API and interfaces for the modules (including all definitions the modules shall use to communicate with each other, e. g. data types).

The platform supports two data types: signed integer and floating-point. Pointers to data can be stored in the integer format.

Supported features

Currently supported core features:

  • Reading source files into so-called "contexts" (byte-code images)
  • Merging the contexts together (with linking support)
  • Dumping contexts into files using source file plugins
  • Translating contexts into the native CPU machine code
  • Executing contexts in a stack-based virtual machine without compiling
  • Intercepting the native OS exceptions (like SIGSEGV) and translating them into C++ ones

Currently supported input formats (source plugins):

  • Own assembly language (read only)
  • Byte-code format (read and write)


The JIT-translation is a way to execute code faster than in a virtual machine. Actually, this method of execution has some limitations and shortcomings compared to the virtual machine itself: for example, type checking is not performed at all. (You can find a full list of JIT's limitations two sections below.)

The JIT translation is currently implemented for Intel IA-32e (Long mode) architecture. It uses System V x86_64 ABI.

Building the platform

The platform can be built using Clang C++ compiler. Building with GCC shall be possible, but the author, while relying on "bleeding-edge" C++11 conformance, rarely tests compilation with this toolchain. Overall building process is managed using [CMake] 1.

Platform consists of two components: an AAL-like library called uXray and the platform itself, which can be accessed here: intelfx/Homework_2011. Git-repository for the latter contains the support library as a submodule, so the following can be done to checkout the sources:

# git checkout git://github.com/intelfx/Homework_2011.git
# cd Homework_2011
# git submodule update --init

CMake is configured such that it would place the output files in a __bin folder inside of the source tree, regardless of where you would put the building directory. Moreover, the helper library will put its executable (which is a DSO) into the primary source tree, so you will end up having both the helper library and the platform in a same directory automatically.

The platform has two targets, interpreterplatform and homework_stack_nl. The former is a DSO, while the latter is a historic statically linked executable which does nothing more than just open an assembly file and interpret it. Also there is a dynamically linked test application called interpreterplatformtest, which is a best way to test the platform.

Consider the following commands for building (assuming that you are in the root source tree after checking it out as shown above):

# mkdir -p build/{uXray,platform}
# cd build/uXray
# cmake ../../Libs/uXray -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
# make
# cd ../platform
# cmake ../../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
# make
# cd ../../__bin

After doing that, you will end up in the directory with three binary files (or more, if you built the platform on Windows).


Running the test executable

The test executable (the dynamically linked one, interpreterplatformtest), will load any number of files whose names are provided on the command line, link them together and pass the resulting context to execution.

Switches accepted by the test executable:

  • --jit: enable JIT mode.
  • --quiet: disable almost all logging.
  • --debug: enable debug logging.
  • --bytecode: consider any further given files as binary files.
  • --asm: consider any further given files as assembly text files.
  • --dump-to: write the internal context (after loading and merging) to the given byte-code file (name shall be given as the next argument).

Assembly syntax

Assembly files consist of declarations and commands, separated with newlines and possibly intermixed. Comments are supported from any place in a line to the end of line. The comment character is #.

A command looks like <name>.<type> [<arg>] -- that is, it can have zero or one argument. The name identifies a command; type selects the data type the command works with and can be omitted (both type and a dot shall then be omitted).

A declaration looks like decl.<type> [<name>] [= <value>] or decl.<type> [<name>] : <reference>. First form is a variable; it may or may not have a name and may or may not have a value. Second form is an alias; it may or may not have a name but shall have a reference to another declaration or to a memory region.

The name of a declaration becomes a reference itself; it is called a "symbol". A reference is associated with each symbol; if first form is used, it points to the address of the value in memory, and if second one is used, then the reference is directly taken from the declaration.

A special declaration form is a label (of form <name>:), which resolves to the address of an instruction immediately following the label.


There are two data types in the platform: integer and floating-point. They are selected by characters i and f, respectively.

Again, a type may be omitted to select the default data type (now it is floating-point). Service instructions like call or ret which do not work with data shall have their type specifier omitted.


An argument to a command is either a value or a reference. A value has its type picked automatically from the instruction's type, and shall be in a form recognizable by strtol() or strtod() C library functions. A reference links a command to some memory location and has a special form described later.

Values and references are not interchangeable. Some commands work with values, and some -- with references.


A reference has a form of [<section>:]<first component>[+<second component>]. Each component is either a direct address/offset (like 10), a symbol (like var1), a register (like $ra) or an indirection entry of form (<section>:<address>) or (<symbol>) or (<register>).

When resolving such a reference, indirection entries are decoded first and the data they point to is read as an integer, which is then considered a direct memory offset. Then symbols are decoded. If either of a reference's components is a symbol (a reference itself), the symbol's section replaces the global section. Then two components (resolved to offsets) are added together and the final value is then dereferenced.

A special type of the reference is a string (of a form "<any text>"), which resolves to the section and address of the given string value in memory.


Here is a list of sections:

  • c -- a reference to code
  • d -- a reference to data
  • r -- a reference to the register file (by register #)
  • b -- a reference to the bytepool (string pool, a byte-granular memory region)
  • f -- a reference to the stack relative to the current stack frame towards the local variable region (after the frame pointer)
  • p -- a reference to the stack relative to the cyrrent stack frame towards the function parameter region (behind the frame pointer)


The execution platform has a fixed count of registers which can be accessed using a named reference (like $ra) or an indexed reference (like r:0). The registers are:

  • ra ($ra, r:0)
  • rb ($rb, r:1)
  • rc ($rc, r:2)
  • rd ($rd, r:3)
  • re ($re, r:4)
  • rf ($rf, r:5)

The register $rf is used as an implicit destination for some operations. Also, registers are used to communicate with the runtime and the client API.


The platform has a separate stack for each data type. A single stack (now it is the integer one) is selected as the frame stack; references to sections f and p reference the frame stack.

The frame pointer is updated with the frame stack top each time a new function is entered. Parameter area begins from address p:1 to higher addresses; local variable area - from f:0 to higher addresses.


Conditional branching commands of the platform use flags to determine the comparison result. Flags can be explicitly set by a comparison or analysis command, or they can be implicitly set by any command which references a well-defined single value on stack, like pop, top or any arithmetic command. (See below for command list.)


Here is a list of the platform's virtual commands, along with their possible types and references:

  • push.{i,f} -- push a immediate value on the top of stack
  • pop.{i,f} -- remove a value from the top of stack
  • top.{i,f} -- debug-print a value on the top of stack
  • cmp.{i,f} -- compare two values on the top of stack (subtrahend is on top and it is popped)
  • anal.{i,f} -- analyze a value on the top of stack (i. e., compare it with zero)
  • dup.{i,f} -- duplicate a value on the top of stack
  • swap.{i,f} -- swap two values on the top of stack
  • lea -- load a reference's absolute (effective) address into $rf
  • ld.{i,f} -- push a referenced value on the top of stack
  • st.{i,f} -- save the top of stack into the reference and pop the value
  • ldint.f -- push a referenced integer value on the top of the floating-point stack
  • stint.f -- save the top of the floating-point stack into the reference as an integer
  • settype.{i,f} -- force-set the type of a memory location into the instruction's type
  • abs.{i,f} -- take an absolute value of the top of stack
  • add.{i,f} -- add two values on the top of stack
  • sub.{i,f} -- subtract the next value from the top of stack (minuend on top)
  • mul.{i,f} -- multiply two values on the top of stack
  • div.{i,f} -- divide the top of stack by the next value (dividend on top)
  • mod.{i,f} -- take a remainder of the stack's top from division by the next value (dividend on top)
  • inc.{i,f} -- increase the value on top of stack
  • dec.{i,f} -- decrease the value on top of stack
  • neg.{i,f} -- change the sign of the value on top of stack
  • jump -- an unconditional jump
  • call -- an unconditional call
  • ret -- a subroutine return
  • jcc -- a conditional jump (conditions mimic the ones in x86 assembly language)
  • snfc -- do not implicitly change the flags (only do that with cmp and anal commands)
  • cnfc -- inverse of snfc
  • quit.{i,f,nothing} -- exit the context; indicate the type of return value (or lack of such) with the instruction's type.
  • sys -- perform a system call (to the interpreter runtime). The argument must be integer.


The JIT-compilation is an alternative to VM-based execution. It is faster, but it has several drawbacks compared to execution in the VM.

  • There is no type checking
  • snfc and cnfc commands are not handled; only cmp and anal commands may change the flags
  • Integer stack is also used for return addresses
  • User-registered instructions are supported only if they do not work with stacks

The platform is able to automatically fall back to interpreting if an error happens during compilation or execution.