
The application is an e-commerce platform that provides an intuitive and user-friendly shopping experience for customers. It integrates various essential features, such as product listing and details, shopping cart functionality, secure checkout and payment process, and user account management.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


The application is an e-commerce platform that provides great, intuitive and user-friendly shopping experience for customers. This app serves as a virtual shopping platform, enabling users to conveniently access a wide range of products through their pc, smartphones or tablets. To ensure great experience for our customers, this app provides several cool features.


• Site Search & Browse
• Secure Payment Options
• User registration and login
• Product search
• Product list by category and brand
• View detailed descriptions
• Add to cart

Technology Stack :

 • Angular
 • RxJS
 • Typescript
 • CommerceTools
 • Taiga UI


  • npm run ng <command> This script allows you to run Angular CLI commands
  • npm start This script builds and serves your application, rebuilding on file changes and open it your browser.
  • npm run build Compiles an application into an output directory named dist.
  • npm run watch Compiles an application into an output directory named dist and watching for any changes.
  • npm test Runs unit tests in a project.
  • npm run lint Runs linting tools on this application code.
  • npm run style Fix the issues for all scss files in src folder
  • npm run prettier This script formats ts, scss, html, json files in the src directory and its subdirectories.
  • npm run prepare This script enables Git hooks.
  • npm run deploy This script initiates the process of deploying the project to the assigned hosting.

Project setup

  1. Install Node.js
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Open integrated terminal
  4. To install all dependencies use npm install
  5. Run npm start prepare in command line to install husky.
  6. Run npm start in command line to run dev server.