
Flexible reactive forms for web development with TypeScript

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Simple library for creating forms using typescript, inspired by @angular/forms


    npm i intelligent-forms


  • Type safety

    • Forms are fully typed.
    • Compile-Time Error Checking.
    • Accurate Form Validation.
  • Flexibility

    • Designed to adapt to a wide range of use cases and environments.
    • Provides a flexible API that can be easily integrated into various projects, regardless of their size or complexity.
    • Allows to configure components to fit specific needs, making it suitable for a variety of applications.
  • Maintainability

    • Structured to ensure easy updates, debugging and long-term maintenance.
    • Follows best practices and coding standards, making it easier to read and understand forms code.
  • Reusability

    • Built with extensibility in mind, allowing developers to extend functionality without modifying the core library.
    • Components are modular and reusable across different projects and applications.


import { formBuilder } from 'intelligent-forms'

// Creating a class that implements ControlValueAccessor<ControlValue>
export class InputComponent implements ControlValueAccessor<string> {
  public node: HTMLInputElement

  constructor() {
    this.node = document.createElement('input')

    this.node.addEventListener('input', () => {
       * Call the method on input event to mark linked control as `dirty`
       * and change the value of the linked control

    this.node.addEventListener('blur', () => {
      // Call the method on blur event to mark linked control as `touched`

  // Forms API overrides this method, so you don't need to define it
  public onChange(value: string): void {}

  // Forms API overrides this method, so you don't need to define it
  public onTouch(): void {}

   * Forms API using this method to write the value of the linked 
   * control to our class
  public writeValue(value: string): void {
    this.node.value = value

// Create the validator to validate the value a control
function capitalizeValidator(control) {
  return (/^[A-Z].*$/.test(control.value) ? null : 'message to show to the user in case of invalid value')

const name = new InputComponent()
const surname = new InputComponent()

 * Create the FormGroup with FormControls and bind the classes that
 * implements ControlValueAccessor via FormBuilder.control() method, 
 * passing the classes as the third parameter
const form = formBuilder.group({
  name: formBuilder.control('', [], name),
  surname: formBuilder.control('', [capitalizeValidator], surname),

const root = document.getElementById('app')
root?.append(name.node, surname.node)



Base class from which FormControl and FormGroup are inherited

Field Description Returned values
value Current value of the control. ControlValue
touched True if the control is marked as touched. A control is marked touched once the user has triggered a blur event on it. boolean
valid A control is valid when its status is 'VALID'. boolean
status The validation status of the control. Status = 'VALID' when control value passed all the validation connected to it. 'VALID' 'INVALID'
disabled Returns a boolean indicating whether the control is disabled or not. True if the control is disabled, false otherwise. boolean
dirty True if the control is dirty, false otherwise. The control is dirty if the user has changed the value in the UI. boolean
errors Returns the array of validation errors for this control. Every error in the array is a message returned by the specific validator function provided to the control. ValidationError[]
validators Returns the array of validators for this control. Validator<ControlValue>[]
on() Subscribes to an event emitted by the control and executes the provided function when the event is triggered. void
addValidators() Adds the given validators to the list of validators for this control. Validators is executed then value changes and used to check is the control is valid or not. void
removeValidators() Removes the given validators from the list of validators for the control. void
setValidators() Sets the validators for the control. void
clearValidators() Removes all validators from the list of validators for the control. void
disable() Sets the disabled state of the control to true and triggers the disabledchange event if the control was previously enabled and the emitEvent option is set to true. void
enable() Sets the disabled state of the control to false and triggers the disabledchange event if the control was previously disabled and the emitEvent option is set to true. void
markAsTouched() Sets the touched state of the control to true and triggers the touchedchange event if the control was previously untouched and the emitEvent option is set to true. void
markAsUntouched() Sets the touched state of the control to false and triggers the touchedchange event if the control was previously touched and the emitEvent option is set to true. void
markAsDirty() Sets the dirty state of the control to true and triggers the pristinechange event if the control was previously pristine and the emitEvent option is set to true. void
markAsPristine() Sets the dirty state of the control to false and triggers the pristinechange event if the control was previously dirty and the emitEvent option is set to true. void


Tracks the value, validation status, touched state and dirty state of a form control. Inherited from AbstractControl

Field Description Returned values
setValue() Sets the value of the control, updates its status and emits valuechange and statuschange. void
reset() Resets the form control by setting its value to the initial value, marking it as untouched and pristine. void
register() Registers the class that implements the ControlValueAccessor interface. with the form control. Overrides the onTouch and onChange methods of the given class. void

FormGroup<Controls = Record<string, AbstractControl>>

Tracks the value and validity state of a group of FormControl instances. A FormGroup aggregates the values of each child FormControl into one object, with each control name as the key. It calculates its status by reducing the status values of its children. For example, if one of the controls in a group is invalid, the entire group becomes invalid. Inherited from AbstractControl

Field Description Returned values
controls Get the controls of the form group (Object there keys are names of the controls in the group context and values are controls themselves). Controls
setValue() It accepts an object with control names as keys, and matches the values to the correct controls in the group. void
reset() Resets the form group by resetting all child controls, marking it as untouched and pristine, and updating the value and status. void
get() Retrieves the control with the specified name from the form group. AbstractControl
getControlName() Retrieves the name of the control in the form group that corresponds to the given control. keyof Controls
contains() Checks if the FormGroup contains the specified control or control name. boolean
addControl() Adds a control to the form group, updates the value and emits the valuechange and statuschange events if specified. void
removeControl() Removes a control from the FormGroup and updates the value and status and emits the valuechange and statuschange events if specified. void
replaceControl() Replaces a control in the form group with a new control, updates the value and status and emits the valuechange and statuschange events if specified. void
disable() Sets the disabled state of the formGroup and all its children to true and triggers the disabledchange event if the control was previously enabled and the emitEvent option is set to true. void
enable() Sets the disabled state of the formGroup and all its children to false and triggers the disabledchange event if the control was previously disabled and the emitEvent option is set to true. void
markAsTouched() Sets the touched state of the FormGroup and all its child controls to true and triggers the touchedchange event if the control was previously untouched and the emitEvent option is set to true. void
markAsUntouched() Sets the touched state of the FormGroup and all its child controls to false and triggers the touchedchange event if the control was previously touched and the emitEvent option is set to true. void
markAsDirty() Sets the dirty state of the FormGroup and all its child controls to true and triggers the pristinechange event if the control was previously pristine and the emitEvent option is set to true. void
markAsPristine() Sets the dirty state of the FormGroup and all its child controls to false and triggers the pristinechange event if the control was previously dirty and the emitEvent option is set to true. void


The helper class that provides the easier interface to create FormGroup and FormControl classes.

Field Description Returned values
group() Creates a new FormGroup from the object there keys are names of the controls and values are one of this possible structures:
  • Class inherited from AbstractControl. In this case the class becomes a child of the FormGroup to be created.
  • Array — where the first element is the initial value of the control and second is an array of validators of the control to be created. In this case the new FormControl will be created using the values of the array.
  • Class that implements ControlContainer interface. In this case the control that will be applied to the FormGroup will be the control property of the class.
  • Object that matches the structure of the FormBuilder.group() params. In this case the nested FormGroup will be created using the values of the object.
control() Creates a new FormControl instance with the given initial value and optional validators. If an element is provided, the control is registered to the element. FormControl