
Evading Aimbot Detectors by Mimicking User Behavior (EuroSec 2020)

Primary LanguageC++

Aim Low, Shoot High: Evading Aimbot Detectors by Mimicking User Behavior

Current schemes to detect cheating in on-line games often build on the assumption that the applied cheat takes actions that are drastically different from normal behavior. For instance, an Aimbot for a first-person shooter is used by an amateur player to increase his/her capabilities many times over. Attempts to evade detection would require to reduce the intended effect such that the advantage is presumably lowered into insignificance.
We argue that this is not necessarily the case and demonstrate how a professional player is able to make use of an adaptive Aimbot that mimics user behavior to gradually increase performance and thus evades state-of-the-art detection mechanisms. We show this in a quantitative and qualitative evaluation with two professional "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive" players, two open-source Anti-Cheat systems, and the commercially established combination of VAC, VACnet, and Overwatch.

Player Profiles

The following table provides an overview of the properties to build the player profiles, which we have used to mimick user behavior.

For details on the specifics of this properties, please consult the conference publication.


The repository contains the source code of the Aimbot, its configuration file as well as an injector needed to make use of the bot.


Attention! This aimbot has been developed for and tested with CS:GO 1.36.8. It hence might not work with recent versions of the game anymore.


git clone https://github.com/intellisec/aimbot.git
cd aimbot/tubs_aim
cmake -S . -B build
# If an error occurs: Delete all content from the build folder and repeat this step)

cd build
cmake --build . --config Release

Usage Information

Before the first use, move the tubs folder from aimbot/tubs_aim_config to disk at c:/. Additionally, you need to copy the built library tubs.dll (cf. installation instructions) to aimbot/tubs_aim_injector.

To start the aimbot, please follow the following steps:

  1. Start the application aimbot/tubs_aim_injector/tubstarget.exe
  2. Click on the start button
  3. Start the game
  4. Type the following command in the CS:GO console: unbind mouse1; bind / +attack

With the corresponding keys, you can then run, enable or disable the displayed modules.


In the directory c:/tubs, you find the configuration file named config.json that can be edited with a text editor of your choice. Edit the desired values and save the file. In case the Aimbot is running already, please additional reload the configuration.


A detailed description of our work is going to be presented at the 13th European Workshop on Systems Security (EuroSec) in April 2020. If you would like to cite our work, please use the reference as provided below:

  author =    {Tim Witschel and Christian Wressnegger},
  title =     {Aim Low, Shoot High: Evading Aimbot Detectors by Mimicking User Behavior},
  booktitle = {Proc. of the {ACM} European Workshop on Systems
               Security ({EuroSec})},
  year =      2020,
  month =     april,
  day =       {27.}

A preprint of the paper is available here.