
A small Django application to manage (CRUD) users and their bank account data (IBAN). Required fields are first name, last name and IBAN. Google Login functionality for Administrators.

Primary LanguagePython

Simple Django application to manage (CRUD) users and their bank account data (IBAN).

Setup .env file to define environment variables

  • DEBUG (default=False)

  • DATABASE_URL (default=postgres://localhost/superman)

  • SOCIAL_AUTH_ENABLED (default=True)

    • Allow users to login via social account, this does not create new users.

    • Should be set if SOCIAL_AUTH_ENABLED=True (see instruction below)

    • Should be set if SOCIAL_AUTH_ENABLED=True (see instruction below)
  • Example .env file might look like this


Bootstraping dev environment or See Vagrant info below for easy setup.

  • Setup and activate virtualenv
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run ./manage.py migrate
  • Create super user ./manage.py createsuperuser or load test users ./manage.py loaddata test_users
    • Password for all test users is superman!@#
  • Visit http://localhost:8000/ and login with admin account or any of test users.

Run tests

  • ./manage.py test

Run tests with coverage

  • Install coverage package pip install coverage
  • coverage run manage.py test superman.apps.accounts -v 2
  • To see html report of coverage coverage html --omit="venv/*" and open index.html in browser

How to obtain google app credentials

  • Visit Google Developer Console
  • Create a new project
  • Setup Consent Screen
  • Create credentials for application type Web Application
  • Set Authorized JavaScript origins to http://localhost:8000
  • Set Authorized redirect URIs to http://localhost:8000/complete/google-oauth2/
  • Copy Client ID and Secret Key

Running with Vagrant (The Easy Way)

  • Install Vagrant and Virtual Box

  • Then, run the following to create a new Django app dev environment on virtual machine

      # Start up the virtual machine:
      $ vagrant up
      # Stop the virtual machine:
      $ vagrant halt
      # Destory the virtual machine:
      $ vagrant destroy
  • Visit http://localhost:8000/ and login with username=admin and password=superman!@#