An join operator with novel out-of-order watermarking

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Integrate PECJ as ooo operators into alliancedb

  • Please also see PECJ_WITH_APPENDIX.pdf for the full paper with Appendix.

How to Reproduce Our Experimental Results?

  1. Everything will be automatically built and evaluated by calling the following command under a sudo user (You maybe asked to enter the password):

This will also copy figures and results to figures and results folder at the root directory of this project for your convenience to find them.


  1. System specification:

    Component Description
    Processor (w/o HT) Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6252 CPU, 24*2
    L3 cache size 35.75MB
    Memory 384 GB
    OS & Compiler Ubuntu22.04 (Physical or Docker) g++11
  2. To make the scalability evaluation work as expected, please make sure that the core id 0~23 represent 24 physical cores at the same NUMA node (if there is some NUMA platform).

  3. The torch installation command is designed for X64, and also works for ARM64, but may need some changes on other architectures like RISCV.

Docker usage

  1. Docker scripts which only set up os and dependencies (Tested on X64 and ARM64):

We provide docker scripts to install Ubuntu22.04 environment, please do the following to set it up

cd docker

Upon seeing the docker command line, you may cd to home, proceed to manually clone this repo and then run the onKeyReproduce.sh.

  1. Hands-free docker with precompiled program and its source (X64 only):
docker load --input pecj_x64.tar
docker run --name="pecj" -h OoOJoin -it  pecj:anomo

This will switch host command line into that of docker conatiner, namely pecj. You will find the sources located at /home/OoOJoin/projects/OoOJoin, and the binaries are pre-compiled at /home/OoOJoin/projects/OoOJoin/build. You can then run

cd /home/OoOJoin/projects/OoOJoin/

which will

  • recompile the project
  • reconduct the evaluations
  • copy the results and figures into /home/OoOJoin/projects/OoOJoin/results and /home/OoOJoin/projects/OoOJoin/figures

You may then exit and run docker cp to get the data and figures from container pecj by aforementioned paths. :warning: We have removed the .git folder in docker images which contains our identification data, and source code inside dockers are lastly updated on July 14, 2023. It will come back with avaliable git pull after the double-blind review is done.

If the older built and evaluation is not correctly overwritten by new results, please try the following inside your docker container pecj

cd /home/OoOJoin/projects/OoOJoin/
rm -rf build figures results

Third-party Lib

Third-party Libs will be automatically installed in scripts, which contains:

  1. CMake, gcc/g++, make install, if already installed, make sure the CMake version > 3.10.0, and the major version of gcc/g++ is above 11.
sudo apt install -y cmake gcc g++ make
  1. Tex font rendering (Optional):
sudo apt install -y texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-extra
sudo apt install -y dvipng
sudo apt install -y font-manager
sudo apt install -y cm-super
  1. Python3:
sudo apt install -y python3
sudo apt install -y python3-pip
pip3 install numpy
pip3 install matplotlib pandas
  1. Libtorch:
pip3 install torch==1.13.0 torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cpu


Please refer to the config*.csv under each child directory of scripts folder, such as scripts/sec6_2StockQ1 it assigns the operator, dataset and other system configurations

Real World Datasets

Please refer to benchmark/datasets We have already make the datasets fitted into readable csv format for both human and machine, with <key, value, event time, arrival time, processed time>.


​ benchmark/datasets/logistics/tr.csv

​ benchmark/datasets/logistics/ts.csv


​ benchmark/datasets/retail/tr.csv

​ benchmark/datasets/retail/ts.csv


​ benchmark/datasets/rovio/rovio.csv (For both R and S)


​ benchmark/datasets/stock/cj_1000ms_1tLowDelayData_short.csv

​ benchmark/datasets/stock/sb_1000ms_1tHighDelayData_short.csv


All results are in build/benchmark/results/.

All figures are in build/benchmark/figures.

You can run the following to restart an evaluation round, all old data will be deleted

cd build/benchmark/scripts

For Code Contributors

How to build

(CUDA-related is only necessary if your pytorch has cuda, but it's harmless if you don't have cuda.)

Create a docker for clion

Please refer to the .md in docker folder The docker has minmal gcc/g++/cmake and libtorch, which is good enough.

Build in shell

(export CUDACXX=/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc)
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=`python3 -c 'import torch;print(torch.utils.cmake_prefix_path)'` ..

Tips for build in Clion

There are bugs in the built-in cmake of Clion, so you can not run -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=python3 -c 'import torch;print(torch.utils.cmake_prefix_path)'. Following may help:

  • Please run 'import torch;print(torch.utils.cmake_prefix_path)' manually first, and copy the path
  • Paste the path to -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=
  • Manually set the environment variable CUDACXX as "/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc" in Clion's cmake settings

Code Structure

  • benchmark -- application code to use the generated shared library
  • cmake -- cmake configuration files
  • docsrc -- the source pictures to build docs
  • include -- all the header files
  • scripts -- python scripts to run automatic tests
  • src -- corresponding source files, will generate a shared library
  • test -- test code based on google test

Local generation of the documents

You can also re-generate documents locally, if you have the doxygen and graphviz. Following are how to install them in ubuntu 21.10/22.04

sudo apt-get install doxygen
sudo apt-get install graphviz

Then, you can do

mkdir doc
doxygen Doxyfile

to get the documents in doc/html folder, and start at index.html

Known issues

  1. If you use Torch with cuda, the nvcc will refuse to work as it doesn't support c++20 yet. Therefore, we disabled the global requirement check of C++ 20, and only leave an "-std=c++20" option for g++. This will be fixed after nvidia can support c++20 in cuda.
  2. The pytorch headers also conflict with gtest, so gtest is now excluded, we switch the test framework to header-only catch2
  3. torch version 2.0.0 may fail on aarch64