
Report issues related to Intellivoid such as bugs, feature requests, improvement requests, or ask developers questions directly.

Intellivoid Issues

A public repository used for reporting issues such as bug reports, feature requests and so on, developers & maintainers will respond directly to opened issues and close the issue if it has been resolved.

Why a GitHub repository?

In some cases, this will be easier to track & organize issues with Intellivoid, additionally this could provide public transparency and act as resources for others who are experincing the same or similar issue.

What type of issues should i report?

It can be anything within reason, for example the following may be OK

  • Bugs with Software/Services (Including API wrappers)
  • Improvement requests, such as a typo that needs to be corrected or how our services should be improved
  • Feature requests, request additional features that we could add or remove, no gurantees that we will actually go through with your request but gives us an idea of what our users want to see in our products.
  • Software questions, eg; how does ... work

What are the files used for in this repository?

We may add or remove files to this repository such as images or documents as a way to reference large responses or notices.

How do i open an issue?

You can open an issue by clicking here :-)