Compage - Low-Code Framework to develop Rest API, gRPC, dRPC, GraphQL, WebAssembly, microservices, FaaS, Temporal workloads, IoT and edge services, K8s controllers, K8s CRDs, K8s custom APIs, K8s Operators, K8s hooks, etc. with minimal coding and by automatically applying best practice methods like software supply chain security measures, SBOM, openAPI, cloudevents, etc. Auto generate code after defining requirements in UI as diagram.
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Feature: Read files through compage cli and read for syntax in file to generate unit test case using compage llm
#205 opened by azar-intelops - 0
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Enhance Code Security with Pre-Commit Hooks
#203 opened by santoshkal - 11
Replace Diagram Maker with React-Flow
#152 opened by srinath-intelops - 0
Implement Diagram Generation Feature
#166 opened by srinath-intelops - 0
Smart Diagram Template
#165 opened by srinath-intelops - 1
GORM Integration with RestAPI
#154 opened by srinath-intelops - 0
Compage Testing with Microcks
#159 opened by devopstoday11 - 0
Compage Testing with Tracetest
#158 opened by devopstoday11 - 0
Review & Resolve Compage Defects/Suggestions
#153 opened by srinath-intelops - 0
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feat: Dive, Skopeo & SlimToolKit Integration for Container Image Optimization
#142 opened by azar-intelops - 0
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feat: Codebase Signing with GitSign Integration
#139 opened by azar-intelops - 0
feat: Distroless Image Building Integration
#138 opened by azar-intelops - 0
feat: add bard to have benefits of AI
#137 opened by azar-intelops - 1
add chatgpt to have benefits like creating templates automatically for contributing to Compage, etc.
#94 opened by devopstoday11 - 0
feat: Integration of with Compage
#136 opened by azar-intelops - 0
feat: Integrate Backstage with Compage
#135 opened by azar-intelops - 0
feat: cdk8s Integration for Compage
#134 opened by azar-intelops - 0
feat: Kubernetes CUE Integration
#133 opened by azar-intelops - 0
Bug: In UI, node names are formatted to its id name, while the project opens next time
#126 opened by azar-intelops - 0
Bug: In UI, To delete a node, we need to click multiple times to delete the node
#127 opened by azar-intelops - 1
Generate gRPC CRUD Operations for Golang
#118 opened by mahendraintelops - 0
Enhancement: If the project has removed from Github, the list was unable to update accordingly. We need to fetch repository from github
#125 opened by azar-intelops - 0
Generate DB connection code and create crud operations for SQL databases for compage template for golang
#117 opened by mahendraintelops - 0
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develop features within Compage very similar to Kodezi for Enterprise version
#111 opened by azar-intelops - 0
develop features similar to
#115 opened by devopstoday11 - 0
Integrate opentelemetry with nextjs app
#114 opened by azar-intelops - 0
integrate with StackHawk to create DAST pentesting cases by using StackHawk enterprise platform APIs
#110 opened by azar-intelops - 0
integrate with DeepSource enterprise platform to use deepsource’s APIs for using auto code fixes feature
#109 opened by azar-intelops - 0
Integrate with compliance benchmarking tools
#108 opened by azar-intelops - 0
creating track of version of the container images that we are embedding or leveraging or integrating which we select from ChainGuard & RapidFort & other container vendors’ certified images. Since we use those images for auto generated projects too, the versions should be provided as ledger to the end user as well
#107 opened by azar-intelops - 0
auto instrumentation of generated code base using opentelemetry SDKs or CDKs (whatever that is) or their guidelines should be automated & provided as functioning feature
#106 opened by azar-intelops - 0
auto creating gitbom ledger for code base (you can modify and leverage our sigrun project)
#105 opened by azar-intelops - 0
creating test cases automatically using assertions (based on tools like our own quality-trace & TrcaeTest) and opentelemetry instrumentation based on the project requirements (this feature will add lot of value and might take time to develop)
#103 opened by azar-intelops - 0
auto creating sbom ledger for container images using SLSA & CycloneDX standards (you can modify and leverage our sigrun project)
#104 opened by azar-intelops - 0
tracking versions of the generated code dependencies that were based on backend templates
#102 opened by azar-intelops - 0
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- 0 - we can leverage this for event-driven architecture supporting feature development in Compage
#91 opened by devopstoday11 - 0
preset-classic-2.2.0.tgz: 1 vulnerabilities (highest severity is: 7.5)
#83 opened by mend-bolt-for-github - 0
- 0 2 vulnerabilities (highest severity is: 7.5)
#85 opened by mend-bolt-for-github - 0
- 0
simple-git-3.15.1.tgz: 1 vulnerabilities (highest severity is: 9.8)
#84 opened by mend-bolt-for-github