
Materials for Elburz Sorkhabi's "Advanced TouchDesigner Concepts" workshop at the SAT, Montreal.

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Materials for Elburz Sorkhabi's "Advanced TouchDesigner Concepts" workshop at the SAT, Montreal.


Diagnose and optimize networks for high-performance. There are three example projects demonstrating common bottlenecks and some possible solutions.


Structure projects for teams working in parallel using Git. The example creates and wires a number of external tox files to create a network. A custom save hotkey is created for ease of use.

Tear/Stutter-free multi-output

Configure Windows and TouchDesigner for tear/stutter-free multi-output installations.

Advanced CHOP networks

Create advanced CHOP networks to efficiently solve creative coding challenges. The example project uses a replicator and instancing to generate circles at the mouse and shoots them in a random direction with a random velocity.

Interactive 3D content

Create interactive 3D content for touch screens using Render Picking. The example project demonstrates how to use a Render Pick DAT with a Multitouch In DAT to control 3D objects. Using the callbacks of the Render Pick on the Multitouch In events allows the interaction to scale from a single click to many touch events without any additional changes.

Reusable components

Create reusable components with custom parameters. The example project was used to create a video player with a few effects. These movie settings, sizing and resolution settings, and settings for the effects were exposed as custom parameters on the video player component.