Demo running End to End MLOPS using Determined, Pachyderm, and Kserve. Demo runs Object Detection on Xview Dataset
- Create Jupyterlab instance on MLDS cluster with resource pool T4 or A100
- Select one GPU in jupyterlab environment
- Use docker container:
See screenshot below:
Open Terminal
git clone
cd pdk-obj-det-demo/
git clone
Go to MLDM: , make sure there is a project called object-detection-demo
open the object-detection-demo project in MLDM and make sure all the pipelines (and repos) are deleted. We will create the data repo and the pachyderm pipelines in a jupyter notebook using the Pachyderm Python Client
Main notebook will be using to complete the demo Demo_PDK.ipynb
Notebook use to run predictions from served KServe model: Demo_Request_Prediction.ipynb
- Run all the cells before hand, some cells will take >5 min because one of the cells trains a FasterRCNN model inside the notebook, and another cell trains a model using MLDE.
- Walk through the demo cell by cell to demonstrate MLDE and MLDM
The pachyderm and container will check if there have been previous experiments ran:
if checkpoint is None:
parent_id = None
configfile["data"]["pachyderm"]["previous_commit"] = None
exp = client.create_experiment(configfile, code_path)
parent_id =
configfile["data"]["pachyderm"]["previous_commit"] = pach_version
exp = client.continue_experiment(
configfile, parent_id, checkpoint.uuid
If you want to retrain your model from scratch, be aware of this.