
Interchange WellWell catalog

Primary LanguagePerl

===  <WARNING>  ===
We don't pay any heed to backward compatibility for Wellwell until
it is announced as stable and mature enough.
===  </WARNING> ===

WellWell is the new Interchange Shop Starter Kit.

It's main difference from previous IC demo catalogs that it doesn't tend to be a demo, but rather a frame for building new catalogs. 

It's main building blocks are components, assembled together with [compose] called from within pages.

Flaws in Standard / Interchange

* two shopping carts components  to maintain
* components need to specified on every page instead of globally
* incomplete ITL doesn't crash whole page


* No stone will be left unturned.
* KISS instead of convoluted ITL code in standard and predecessors.
* Death of [process] (almost done).
* Supersede Interchange's routes and profiles with form framework.
* Keep core of WellWell small, use plugins for extended functionality.

In consequence this deprecates the following tags in this scope:
[button], [image].


Interchange 5.7.1 and at least:
	Dispatch.pm 1.103
	Order.pm 2.104


[compose] basically just evaluates the components passed inside the [compose] 
tag and fits them into the containers inside the template.


Templates are HTML files with placeholders for the containers.
The placeholders are uppercase words inside curly braces.
A very simple template would look like:



Components are evaluated as ITL and put into the placeholders.


To automatically create a wrapping div for each component,

Automatic components/attributes

Usually certain components appear on every page and you don't
want to specify them inside the [compose] tag.

[compose] examines the following variables which set
components and attributes globally:


Variable MV_COMPONENT_AUTO htmlhead:htmlhead left:menu,categorynav body:infobox
Variable MV_ATTRIBUTE_AUTO menu.name=main

Users, Roles and Permissions


Users are stored in the "users" table. The primary key is "uid", quite like
an Unix user id, which is used to identify the user through the system.
Other settings, like username and email, can be changed by the user.


Roles allow to group users and grant them permissions. Users are allowed
to be in multiple roles.

Roles are stored in the "roles" table. The primary key is "rid", quite like
an Unix group id, which the exception of the two default roles (anonymous
and authenticated). 

The default user roles are:

    * Anonymous user: this role is used for users that don't have a user account or that are not authenticated.
    * Authenticated user: this role is automatically granted to all logged in users.

The anonymous user has always the rid of 1 and the authenticated user has
always the rid of 2.

This matches the following records in the permissions table:

 rid | uid |     perm      
   1 |   0 | anonymous
   2 |   0 | authenticated

The relationship between users and roles is kept in the "user_roles" table,

 uid | rid 
   1 |   3
   1 |   4


Permissions can be assigned to a role or to an user. If you want
to restrict some content, you can use the [acl] tag for checking
for proper permissions.

The following example produces a link only if the current user
has the "create_content" permission.

[acl check create_content]
<a href="[area new_content]">Create content</a>

[acl] returns its body on success or the permission if body is

Please note that [acl check] without a permission is always

Acl parameter in [compose]

Permissions can be checked for a complete page like that:


Please note that submitted [form] forms bypass this permission
check because they are evaluated during autoload.


Only menu entries with sufficient permission will be displayed
(permission field in menus table).


The recommended way to call [form] forms is within the compose tag:

	components.body="product_info wishlist_add"


Each form consists of one or multiple subforms, called parts. 
The parts are stored in the "form_series" table:

name     Form name
part     Part name
label    Label displayed on top of the form (optional)
template Template (optional)
profile  Profile to check input in this part (optional)
position Position of part (1,2,3,...)


Forms are build from templates as well. The default template is located at:


Alternative templates can be specified in table form_series, field

The default template looks as follows:


{PREPEND} is a placeholder which can be used for form components.
{TOP} starts the HTML form.
{TITLE} shows the label field from form_series table.
{FIELDS} contains the regular form elements.
{SUBMIT} contains the button form elements (as specified in form_elements
table or default submit button)
{BOTTOM} ends the HTML form.


The elements of a form (part) are stored in the "form_elements" table:

code		Serial number
name		Name of form element
label		Label for form element
component	Part name
priority    Sort order in form (descending)
widget      Widget

The widget is passed by the form_element_field theme function to the
[display] tag. 

One exception to that is the "legend" widget, which just displays the
label of the form_element.


Every form element can have a set of attributes, stored in the form_attributes
table. They are working pretty much the same as in the metadata table for the
Interchange UI.

Attributes can be applied for every form element with a certain name:

wellwell=> select * from form_attributes where name = 'country';
 code |  name   | component |  attribute   |                           value                            
   32 | country |           | lookup_query | SELECT code,name FROM country ORDER BY priority DESC, name

Or only for a certain from:

wellwell=> select * from form_attributes where component = 'content_edit';
 code | name |  component   | attribute | value 
   30 | uri  | content_edit | width     | 200
   31 | body | content_edit | height    | 400


There are two hooks for forms:

form_NAME_load (e.g. form_checkout_load)
form_NAME_save (e.g. form_checkout_save)

The first parameter for the hook sub is the part name.


The load hook is called for the setup of a form part. It is not
called if the profile check for the form part has been failed.

The return value of the load hook is either a false value or
a hash reference which can contain the following members:

page       triggers a bounce to that page instead of displaying
           the form

attributes hash reference providing defaults for form attributes


The save hook is called if the form part has been successfully
submitted (e.g. profile check successful).


Most aspects of a form can be 'themed': 

* title
* elements (complete, label and field)
* submit button

Currently, you can modify one of the existing theme functions:



Regular components can also included in forms. Examples are 
dynamic form parts and supplementary content.

Form components are stored in the "form_components" table.

name - form name
part - form part (empty if component applies to all parts of the form)
component - component name
location - placeholder used to place the component, e.g prepend for
	{PREPEND} placeholder 
priority - sort order in placeholder (descending)


Plugins are living in the plugins subdirectory of wellwell.

Plugins are activated by adding them to PLUGINS variable
(comma separated list of plugins).

Please read the README for the plugin first and follow the
instructions before activating the plugin.

Authoring plugins

Plugins are basically a small WellWell catalog on its own.


The configuration file is called plugin.cfg. The basic configuration
is as follows:

Message Loading helloworld plugin.

Variable CURPLUGIN helloworld
include plugins/default.cfg

Info file

The info file NAME.info contains basic information about the plugin:



name = Hello world!
version = 0.1
author = Stefan Hornburg (Racke) <racke@linuxia.de>

Directory structure

NAME.info  - info file (see Info file)
plugin.cfg - configuration file (see Configuration)
code       - directory for custom code (tags, functions, ...)
pages/NAME - directory for pages
components - directory for components


Originals for (product) images are recorded in images table.


Paging can be controlled by passing parameters to [searchcontainer].

paging_startlinks => always show # links at the beginning
paging_endlinks => always show # links at the end
paging_slidelength => length of sliding window

96 pages, startlinks 3, endlinks 1, slidelength 5

page 1 shows: 1,2,3,4,5,..,96
page 8 shows: 1,2,3,..,6,7,8,9,10,..,96


1. Autoload
Autoload checks for form submissions so we can reroute the request based on
certain conditions.


More flexible routes needs modifications to Interchange itself, but here we go:

- complementing record files with record macros

Modules for Composition Framework

Vend::Compose::Address => addresses, [address]


- deal gracefully with discontinued items (through order_missing SpecialSub)