- 0
Could not load type 'RestSharp.IRestClient'
#183 opened by dbnetdev - 0
- 15
Rest Sharp conflict
#98 opened by twilly86 - 0
- 0
- 0
Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Boolean'. Path 'users[0].marked_email_as_spam'
#171 opened by dradovic - 0
userResult = usersClient.View(userResult) now throwing Exception rather then giving out NULL
#169 opened by irachitrastogi - 1
Seems like this is a dead project
#167 opened by TheSpy - 10
- 0
How to handle errors with this library?
#165 opened by bdelavega-maralytix - 3
Add Support to access Throttle Headers
#112 opened by markalanevans - 4
Unable to create a company in Intercom
#158 opened by DavidKlempfner - 2
usersClient.List returns null
#141 opened by nadeem-edgylabs - 6
Make it available for .NET Framework 4.6.1
#137 opened by ogamaniuk - 6
Problems looking up on email
#151 opened by morindune - 1
Xamarin Push Notification Support
#154 opened by alexshikov - 2
Update SDK to support Intercom API version 2.0
#163 opened by slavapvf - 0
Cant create contact as lead
#164 opened by mohamadDev - 0
- 0
Unexpected character exception deserializing response from ContactsClient.List()
#160 opened by iPlexor - 1
Paging through a list of users
#159 opened by lamelyan - 3
How to access the "Last heard from" field?
#128 opened by nvivo - 3
- 0
Support for Added Methods in API v1.3
#155 opened by paulsterling - 6
- 0
Package Breaking .NET 4.7 Projects
#152 opened by sarthak-k - 0
RestClientFactory - when will nuget get updated?
#150 opened by apawsey - 6
Version 2.1.0
#139 opened by ravtakhar - 0
PublicKeyToken null
#148 opened by alohaba - 7
- 1
- 5
- 2
Delete user
#120 opened by nadeem-edgylabs - 7
Missing Count property on Segment
#122 opened by ThomasArdal - 6
Conversation model field "conversation_parts" is always null despite it shouldn't
#113 opened by Fahrenheit9292 - 1
Add utm_campaign and other fields to the User class
#110 opened by ogamaniuk - 1
- 5
Company monthly_spend is an int instead of decimal
#117 opened by xdansmith - 1
Company website not updated when creating a company in a user create/update call
#108 opened by thewheat - 24
- 2
Newest version of library is named "Library.dll"
#118 opened by xdansmith - 5
.Net 4.6 Support
#125 opened by steve-tapley - 3
WHO does this
#96 opened by ditchcode - 2
It's impossible to increment company web session
#105 opened by puwalowski - 3
Getting authorization error
#109 opened by adeelhasan - 2
- 7
.NET SDK Create company, attributes missing
#100 opened by FFRainman - 6
Doesn't work with the last version of RestSharp
#102 opened by ogamaniuk - 4
assigned_to deserialize
#101 opened by RafaelCavazza - 8
Authenticating with Access Token
#99 opened by jefflafay