
A tiny framework for AI training and inference. My homework for the course "programming in AI".

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


A tiny framework for AI training and inference. My homework for the course "programming in AI".


First, clone this repo:

git clone https://github.com/interestingLSY/NeuroFrame.git
cd NeuroFrame

You can start with a conda environment via:

conda create --name neuroframe --file packages.txt

Then you can install NeuroFrame by:

pip install -e .

Code Structure

The code is organized as follows:

  • The basic folder contains some basic data structures (e.g. device, scalar) and basic functions (e.g. memory management, logging).
  • The tensor folder contains the Tensor class.
  • The op folder contains operators (e.g. matmul, relu, sigmoid). Every operator has a forward and a backward function, which are high-level device-agnostic differentiable functions that wraps around low-level device-specific kernels in backend.
  • The backend folder contains the actual implementation of the operators. The backend folder is further divided into cpu and cuda folders, which contain the CPU and CUDA implementations of the operators, respectively.
  • The example folder contains some examples.
  • The unittest folder contains unittests for ops.
  • The pybind folder contains the Python bindings.

Design Philosophy

Inside the op folder, there is a very important function, perform_op. Similar to the "thin waist" (the IP layer) in computer networking, perform_op is the "thin waist" of NeuroFrame. Here is its signature:

typedef std::function<std::vector<Tensor>(const std::vector<Tensor>&, OpContext &)> op_forward_func_t;
typedef std::function<std::vector<Tensor>(const std::vector<Tensor>&, OpContext &)> op_backward_func_t;

std::vector<Tensor> perform_op(
	op_forward_func_t forward_op,
	op_backward_func_t backward_op,
	std::vector<Tensor> input,
	void* other_args

perform_op launches some operator with the given forward function, backward function, and input. After executing the op it may modify the computation graph for gradient computation. Every call to an operator (e.g. relu) will invoke perform_op indirectly. Usually forward_op and backward_op invokes the underlying kernel in backend (e.g. NeuroFrame::Backend::CPU::relu_forward or NeuroFrame::Backend::CUDA::relu_forward).

The call stack looks like this:

Used code ->
Op wrapper (like, `relu(x)`, `batched_gemm`, `sigmoid`...) ->
`perform_op` ->
various kernels on various backends (e.g. `relu` on CPU, `gemm` on CUDA ...)

How to Use

NeuroFrams's APIs are very similar to PyTorch's. You can refer to code under the example folder for more details.


Three fields (first_elem_offset, shape, and stride) in the Tensor class controls how the tensor is viewed.

first_elem_offset is the offset of the first element of the tensor in the underlying memory fragment. shape is the shape of the tensor. stride[i] refers to the distance (in elements, not bytes) between two adjacent elements in the i-th dimension.

Different from PyTorch, stride[i] always equals to the product of shape[i+1], shape[i+2], ..., shape[n-1], where n is the number of dimensions of the tensor. In other words, the tensor is always "continuous" in memory. I think this is a good design because it makes the implementation of kernels much easier.

Tensor Creation

// Do not fill
Tensor::Tensor(const std::vector<int64_t> &shape, dtype_t dtype, Device device);
// Fill with zeros (the same as above, just with a different name)
static Tensor Tensor::zeros(const std::vector<int64_t> &shape, dtype_t dtype, Device device);
// Fill with uniform distribution between `low` and `high`
static Tensor Tensor::randu(const std::vector<int64_t> &shape, dtype_t dtype, Device device, Scalar low, Scalar high);
// Fill with uniform distribution between -1 and +1
static Tensor Tensor::randu(const std::vector<int64_t> &shape, dtype_t dtype, Device device);
// Create a tensor from a vector
static Tensor Tensor::from_vector(const std::vector<Scalar> &data, const std::vector<int64_t> &shape, dtype_t dtype, Device device);

Migration between Devices

// Migration between devices. .to(Device::cpu()) brings the tensor to CPU memory,
// .to(Device::cuda(device_index)) brings the tensor to GPU memory.
Tensor Tensor::to(Device target) const;
// The same as `to(Device::cpu())`
Tensor Tensor::cpu() const;
// The same as `to(Device::cuda(device_index))`
Tensor Tensor::cuda(int device_index = 0) const;

Visit an Element

// Return the start address. Useful when writing kernels
void* Tensor::data_ptr() const;
// Get the address of one element
void* Tensor::get_elem_addr(const std::vector<int64_t> &pos) const;
// Get the content (in NeuroFrame::Tensor with shape == []) of one element
Tensor Tensor::get_elem(const std::vector<int64_t> &pos) const;
// Return the element as a scalar. Only applicable to scalar tensors (tensors with shape == [])
Scalar Tensor::as_scalar() const;

One can use something like tensor.get_elem().as_scalar().as_double() to obtain one value inside the tensor.

Other Operations

// Return the number of elements in this tensor
int64_t numel() const;
// Print the tensor
void print(int64_t max_display_per_dim = 16) const;


Operators are something like relu, sigmoid, matmul, batched_matmul, etc. Every invocation of an operator will perform the corresponding forward pass, and modify the computation graph for backward pass if necessary.

Our operators' signatures are very similar to PyTorch's. If you do not know how to use an operator, just refer to src/op/<op_name>.h where <op_name> is the name of the operator, or you can refer to PyTorch's documentation (ಡωಡ).

In the usual case, users only need to invoke the function that has the same name as the operator itself, e.g. if you want to apply ReLU on a tensor x, just write relu(x), and NeuroFrame will do the rest (including dispatching to devices, calling kernels, and modifying the computation graph) for you. Under some circumstances (like NeuroFrame's unit tests), you may want to manually invoke the underlying forward and backward functions without disrupting the computation graph. In this case, you can use XXX_forward_manual() and XXX_backward_manual().