

The MCA backends implement Montecarlo Arithmetic.

  • uses floating point types to represent stochastic noise. It uses quad type to compute MCA operations on doubles and double type to compute MCA operations on floats.
VFC_BACKENDS=" --help" ./test
test: verificarlo loaded backend
Usage: [OPTION...]

  -m, --mode=MODE            select MCA mode among {ieee, mca, pb, rr}
                             select precision for binary32 (PRECISION >= 0)
                             select precision for binary64 (PRECISION >= 0)
      --error-mode=ERR_MODE  select error mode among (rel, abs, all)
                             select the magnitude of the maximum allowed
                             absolute error (this option is only used when
                             error-mode={abs, all})
  -d, --daz                  denormals-are-zero: sets denormals inputs to zero
  -f, --ftz                  flush-to-zero: sets denormal output to zero
  -s, --seed=SEED            fix the random generator seed
  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message

Two options control the behavior of the MCA backend.

The option --mode=MODE controls the arithmetic error mode. It accepts the following case insensitive values:

  • mca: (default mode) Montecarlo Arithmetic with inbound and outbound errors
  • ieee: the program uses standard IEEE arithmetic, no errors are introduced
  • pb: Precision Bounding inbound errors only
  • rr: Random Rounding outbound errors only

The option --precision-binary64=PRECISION controls the virtual precision used for the floating point operations in double precision (respectively for single precision with --precision-binary32). It accepts an integer value that represents the virtual precision at which MCA operations are performed. Its default value is 53 for binary64 and 24 for binary32. A precise definition of the virtual precision is given here.

One should note when using the QUAD backend, that the round operations during MCA computation always use round-to-zero mode.

In Random Round mode, the exact operations in given virtual precision are preserved.

The option --error-mode=ERR_MODE controls the way in which the error is interpreted. It accepts the following modes:

  • rel: (default mode) the error is specified relative to the magnitude of the floating-point number
  • abs: the error threshold is specified as an absolute value, independent of the value of the floating-point number, to be interpreted as 2ERR_EXPONENT
  • all: both relative and absolute modes are active simultaneously

The option --max-abs-error-exponent=ERR_EXPONENT is used only when the option --error-mode=ERR_MODE is active and controls the magnitude of the error threshold, when in absolute error mode or all mode. The error thershold is set to 2ERR_EXPONENT.

The options --daz and --ftz flush subnormal numbers to 0. The --daz (Denormals-Are-Zero) flushes subnormal inputs to 0. The --ftz (Flush-To-Zero) flushes subnormal output to 0.

   $ VFC_BACKENDS=" --mode=ieee" ./test
   0x0.fffffep-126 +0x1.000000p-149 = 0x1.000000p-126
   $ VFC_BACKENDS=" --mode=ieee --daz" ./test
   0x0.fffffep-126 +0x1.000000p-149 = 0x0
   $ VFC_BACKENDS=" --mode=ieee --ftz" ./test
   0x0.fffffep-126 +0x1.000000p-149 = 0x1.000000p-126

The option --seed fixes the random generator seed. It should not generally be used except if one to reproduce a particular MCA trace.