Intergiro Android SDK


The Android mobile SDK supports:

  • minSdkVersion 23 and above.
  • compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion 31 and above. Please refer to this requirement.

Github package token generation

To fetch our SDK from GitHub packages, you’ll need to generate your own GitHub token. One method is to generate a standard GitHub token with "read:packages" scope. For more information, click here .

Getting your github account id

To fetch our SDK from GitHub packages, you’ll need to retrieve the ID of your personal account. One method is to send a request to Replace your_github_user_name with your actual GitHub username. The Response will contain an "id" key that corresponds to your account’s ID.


  1. Download the Google Play services SDK supplement dependency and unzip it to your project’s folder. This will create a directory structure like ./tapandpay_sdk/com/google/android/gms/.... Ensure that the SDK supplement’s path aligns with what you later configure in your Gradle setup.
  2. Add the following to your settings.gradle file:
dependencyResolutionManagement {
    // ...
    repositories {
        // ...
        maven { url "" }
        maven { url "file:${project.rootDir}/tapandpay_sdk/" } // should be replaced with path to your Google Play services SDK supplement.
        maven {
            name = "GitHubPackages"
            url = uri("")
            credentials {
                username = id_of_your_github_account
                password = "your_github_packages_token"

or if you use an older version of gradle add it to your root build.gradle file:

allprojects {
    // ...
    repositories {
        // ...
        maven { url "" }
        maven { url "file:${project.rootDir}/tapandpay_sdk/" } // should be replaced with path to your Google Play services SDK supplement.
        maven {
            name = "GitHubPackages"
            url = uri("")
            credentials {
                username = id_of_your_github_account
                password = "your_github_packages_token"
  1. Add dependency to your app build.gradle specifying the latest version
dependencies {
    implementation ''


  1. Add your public key to the AndroidManifest.xml. To get your public key please contact Note: If the public key isn’t set, the SDK will throw a ‘RuntimeException’.
            android:value="{your_public_key_value}" />
  1. SDK will be automatically initialized by Jetpack App Startup.
  2. (Optional) You can set your custom theme to IntergiroWebActivity (NoActionBar variants are preferred).
    android:theme="@style/{your_custom_theme}" />


We include the INTERNET permission by default as we need it to make network requests:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>

ProGuard / R8

SDK should work without any custom proguard configuration.


To initiate the Intergiro consent flow, utilize IntergiroUserSession (how this works) . This class will launch IntergiroWebActivity where you can interact with the Intergiro 3d API.

The flow concludes with anIntergiroUserSessionResult. This result contains an optional String payload (typically it's JSON) and can be one of three types:

  • IntergiroUserSessionResult.Completed - Flow completed normally
  • IntergiroUserSessionResult.Canceled - User ended flow by pressing/swiping back.
  • IntergiroUserSessionResult.Error - Error happened, like connection error.

The Error payload has the following structure::

    code: int,
    domain: string, (unexpected_error|connection_error)
    description: string

Example of usage

class SampleActivity : AppCompatActivity(), ActivityResultCallback<IntergiroUserSessionResult> {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        //... app code ...

        val launcher = registerForActivityResult(IntergiroUserSession(), ::onActivityResult)
        someBtn.setOnClickListener { launcher.launch(token) }

    override fun onActivityResult(result: IntergiroUserSessionResult) {
        when (result) {
            is IntergiroUserSessionResult.Completed -> {
                //Handle result

            is IntergiroUserSessionResult.Canceled -> {
                //Handle result

            is IntergiroUserSessionResult.Error -> {
                //Handle result


Intergiro Android SDK is released under the MIT license.