
A simple web app to manage and document day to day expenses all along with providing a nice overview of the month and statistics on the categories and different consumptions

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Expense Tracker

A simple web app to manage and document day to day expenses all along with providing a nice overview of the month and statistics on the categories and different consumptions

Key FeaturesHow To UseCreditsLicense


Key Features

  • CRUD expenses
  • Overview of the current month
  • Statics on each month
    • Line chart daily expenses
    • Donut chart for categories
  • Intuitive list view
  • Reponsive design

How to use

Its basically the same way you would use a reactjs build :

$ npm install -g serve
$ serve -s build

Find out more about deployment here


The choice of color pallet, sections and design was inspired from Juliette Lagache work, maybe in the future i can incorporate more functionalities related to this design.

