Discover a curated collection of Adwaita-styled themes and projects to enhance the consistency of your GNOME desktop. Have any ideas or want to fix something? Make an issue or pull request for this repository.
Be aware that stylesheets and themes may disrupt application functionality and alter the intended user experience. If you encounter styling issues, report them to the theme developer, not the app developer.
- QT
- FedoraQt/QAdwaitaDecorations - Recommended! Without this, many Qt 6 applications will use a fallback CSD.
- FedoraQt/adwaita-qt
- GabePoel/KvLibadwaita - Kvantum theme
- FedoraQt/QGnomePlatform - Already used in GTK-based desktops
- GTK3
- lassekongo83/adw-gtk3 - Recommended! Without this, GTK3 applications look out of place with modern GNOME applications
- Discord
- Visual Studio Code
- Obsidian
- Spotify
- intergrav/stylesheets/spotify-adwaita - Made for web player, may or may not work with Spicetify
- Steam
- Firefox
- Thunderbird
- NeoVim