A collection of ISO C binding interfaces to the 3rd party module nginx-link-function for nginx, to write server-side web applications in Fortran 2003.
Shared memory features (cache
, palloc
, shm
, shmtx
) that allow resource
sharing between nginx workers are not supported.
Either install nginx or OpenResty with the nginx-link-function module.
On FreeBSD, build www/nginx with the
option enabled from ports:
# cd /usr/local/ports/www/nginx/
# make config
# make
# make install
Or, just install a package that has been compiled with LINK
# pkg install www/nginx
# pkg info www/nginx
Use the provided Makefile
to build the static library libfortran-nginx.a
Your Fortran web application must implement at least the routines
and ngx_link_func_exit_cycle()
. All routines
callable from outside must have the bind(c)
! webapp.f90
module webapp
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_null_char
use :: ngx_link_func
implicit none
logical, save :: is_service_on = .false.
subroutine ngx_hello(ctx) bind(c)
character(len=*), parameter :: str = 'Hello, from Fortran!'
type(ngx_link_func_ctx_t), intent(in) :: ctx
call ngx_link_func_log_info(ctx, 'Sending response ...' // c_null_char)
call ngx_link_func_write_resp(ctx = ctx, &
status_code = int(200, kind=8), &
status_line = '200 OK' // c_null_char, &
content_type = 'text/plain' // c_null_char, &
resp_content = str // c_null_char, &
resp_len = int(len(str), kind=8))
end subroutine ngx_hello
subroutine ngx_link_func_exit_cycle(cyc) bind(c)
type(ngx_link_func_cycle_t), intent(in) :: cyc
call ngx_link_func_cyc_log_info(cyc, 'Shutting down the web app ...' // c_null_char)
is_service_on = .false.
end subroutine ngx_link_func_exit_cycle
subroutine ngx_link_func_init_cycle(cyc) bind(c)
type(ngx_link_func_cycle_t), intent(in) :: cyc
call ngx_link_func_cyc_log_info(cyc, 'Starting the web app ...' // c_null_char)
is_service_on = .true.
end subroutine ngx_link_func_init_cycle
end module webapp
Compile the shared library webapp.so
$ gfortran -shared -fPIC -o webapp.so webapp.f90 libfortran-nginx.a
If you use GNU Fortran, make sure that nginx can find the run-time library
Load the shared library by setting ngx_link_func_lib
and ngx_link_func_call
in your nginx.conf
# Load shared library if module is not linked statically:
load_module "/usr/local/libexec/nginx/ngx_http_link_func_module.so";
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
ngx_link_func_lib "/usr/local/etc/nginx/webapp.so";
location / {
ngx_link_func_call "ngx_hello";
Start the nginx daemon:
# service nginx start
Then, open http://localhost/
in your web browser.
Additional examples can be found in examples/
- hello returns a basic HTML response.
- laas (LAPACK as a Service) solves a system of linear equations A · x = B using LAPACK95.
- plot returns a plot of the Lotka-Volterra ODEs in PNG format, using the DISLIN library. Pass the initial population sizes through HTTP GET parameters
(example output). - post parses HTTP POST parameters.
Build the examples with:
$ make <name>