
Classic xroach game for X11

Primary LanguageC


The classic xroach game for X11: displays disgusting cockroaches on your root window. These creepy crawlies scamper around until they find a window to hide under. Whenever you move or iconify a window, the exposed beetles again scamper for cover.

Cleaned up for modern C compilers. Please be aware that this version still has some bugs and glitches.


$ mkdir build
$ cd build/
$ cmake ..
$ make

In case you do not have an C++ compiler installed, instead run:

$ CXX=gcc cmake ..

To compile without CMake:

$ cc -I/usr/local/include/ -L/usr/local/lib/ -o xroach xroach.c -lm -lX11


$ ./xroach -speed 2 -squish -rc brown -rgc yellowgreen


Original copyright 1991 by J. T. Anderson. Squish option contributed by Rick Petkiewizc. Virtual root code adapted from patch sent by Colin Rafferty who borrowed it from Tom LaStrange. Several other folks sent similar fixes. Some glitches removed by patch from Guus Sliepen.