
Tool to create demo networks of ILP Kits

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ILP Demo Maker

Set up a payment between many different ILP Kit nodes

The ILP Demo Maker constructs a network of ILP Kit nodes for the purpose of running a demo. Each of the ILP Kits exposes a user interface, and routing is preconfigured by the script.

Example network created by this script

The network created is a ring, allowing any ILP Kit to pay to any other ILP kit. The payments go in one direction around the ring. The final ledger goes from the last ILP Kit back to the first one.


Because it can be cumbersome to set up many ILP Kits by hand, the tool uses a JSON file to generate a Docker Compose file, containing all the ILP kits used to set up the required plugins.

Launching the Demo


  • Docker >=17.0.0
  • Docker Compose >=1.14.0
  • Node.js >= 6.something


Clone the repo and clone each of the plugins you want to use into the ilp-demo-maker directory. They need to be acccessible for Docker to mount them as volumes.

$ git clone https://github.com/interledgerjs/ilp-demo-maker.git
$ cd ilp-demo-maker
$ npm install
$ git clone https://github.com/{YOUR_PLUGIN}
$ cd YOUR_PLUGIN && npm install && cd ..


Generate a Docker Compose file from the ledgers configuration file and run it.

$ node generate-docker-compose.js --ledgers example.json > docker-compose.yml
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose logs -f

This will create a local directory called data, containing all the state of the ILP Kits. If you add, remove, or rearrange any of the ledgers, make sure that you delete the data folder.

To send some test payments, log into one of your ILP kits with admin:password. You'll need to have the source and destination ILP Kit in your hosts file to do this. Add an entry for each of your ILP kits in your /etc/hosts file, like so: ilp-kit0 ilp-kit1 ilp-kit2 ilp-kit3

To send from Kit 0 to Kit 3, log into ilp-kit0:2010 as admin. Send a payment to admin@ilp-kit3:5010 in the sending UI.

Configuration Format

The JSON file used for the ILP Demo maker contains an array of objects in the below format. See example.json for a sample config file.

    "prefix": "example.ledgerA.", // (1)
    "currency": "USD", // (2)
    "plugin": "ilp-plugin-A", // (3)
    "store": true, // [optional] (4)
    "rpcUri": true, // [optional] (5)
    "rpcUris": true, // [optional] (6)
    "left_account": "example.ledgerA.alice", // (7)
    "left_config": { // (8)
      /* fields required by ilp-plugin-A for account alice */
    "right_account": "example.ledgerA.bob",
    "right_config": {
      /* fields required by ilp-pluginA for account bob */
  }, {
    // next plugin setup
  1. prefix: The prefix field contains the ILP prefix for this ledger. This prefix must match the value returned by plugin.getInfo().prefix for this plugin. If it does not, routing errors will occur, causing all payments to fail.

  2. currency: The currency code of this ledger. Used by the connector to determine exchange rates.

  3. plugin: The plugin module for this ledger. Must be a folder in the current directory. The plugin will then be mounted in the ILP Kit's node_modules.

  4. store: Set to true or false (can also be omitted). If this value is true, a store will be passed into the plugin constructor, as per the Ledger Plugin Interface.

  5. rpcUri: Set to true or false (can also be ommitted). If this value is true, an RPC Uri will be passed into the plugin constructor. This URI will point to the peer's RPC endpoint. This will be the correct value for any bilateral plugin (like ilp-plugin-virtual or ilp-plugin-xrp-paychan).

  6. rpcUris: Set to true or false (can also be omitted). If this value is true, an object called rpcUris will be passed into the plugin constructor. It will have one key, set to the peer's account, and the value will be that peer's RPC Uri. Used for plugins like ilp-plugin-xrp-escrow that fall back on RPC for messaging.

Left vs. Right

  1. left_account: The ILP address of the plugin on the left of the ledger. This must match plugin.getAccount() for the plugin, or payments will fail. In the above example, the left account is Kit 0's. Due to the routing configuration, payments always go from the left account to the right account. right_account functions the same, but for the plugin on the right.

  2. left_config: The plugin configuration for the plugin on the left of the ledger. This object is passed directly to the plugin constructor. If store, rpcUri, or rpcUris are set, their fields will be added to this object. right_config functions the same, but for the plugin on the right.

Custom Header File

If you need any additional containers in the docker-compose (eg. a bitcoin node, an extra five-bells-ledger, etc.), you can set an alternate header file. This will replace the start of the docker-compose (before the ILP Kit containers are added) with a file of your choice.

$ node generate-docker-compose.js --ledger example.json --header header.yml > docker-compose.yml
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose logs -f