
Shared utils for ILP Ledger Plugins

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ILP Plugin Shared

Utility functions for integrating a ledger plugin


safeEmit (that, ...rest)

  • that - The current plugin (this)
  • ...rest - Parameters to emit

All plugin events should be emitted with this function, to prevent errors in the handler from leaking back into the plugin.


shared.Util.safeEmit(this, 'incoming_transfer', transfer)

base64url (buf)

  • buf - Buffer to convert to base64url

Conditions, packets, fulfillments, and other binary data in ILP are represented with base64url. Use this function when serializing those fields. To parse base64url, you can use Buffer.from(base64urlString, 'base64').


buf = crypto.randomBytes(32)
base64urlString = shared.Util.base64url(buf)