
My dotfiles for macOS & Ubuntu

Primary LanguageShell

Chris Swann Dotfiles


There is a Brewfile for personal and work, which are symlinked to $HOME/Brewfile. Run brew bundle list from anywhere. To install a package, add it to the respective Brewfile then brew bundle [install]. Use brew bundle dump to build a new Brewfile


Using pyenv to manage python installations, a bit like rbenv. Use pyenv install <version> and pyenv global <version>

Personal vs Work

When running make personal, stows anything in /personal to the root directory. So for example the Brewfile will be symlinked to ~/Brewfile. If any config needs to be in personal vs work, place in the appropriate directory.

Snippets - luasnip

Snippets are added from rafamadriz/friendly-snippets

Completion - nvim-cmp

Sources for completion are also installed via plugins, of which there are several :help ins-completion for vim completion keymaps



[] im and am for spec blocks [] custom luasnips [] Better switching between vim and tmux [] Improved project finder [] Refresh bash line when changing dirs [] Better launch control of postgres via launchd [] Turn off truncated branch names in zsh prompt [] Grep without specs or fixtures [] Git aliases for dealing with submodules