
The official ReGrid specification for RethinkDB

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ReGrid Spec

This is the official spec for the ReGrid Nodejs library.

ReGrid is meant to be an open specification. You are encouraged to implement a compatible driver in your chosen language.

ReGrid is a method of storing large files inside a RethinkDB database.


  • Reliable - Files are replicated across the cluster, benefiting from RethinkDB's automatic failover.
  • Scalable - Easily store large files in RethinkDB, distributed across the cluster.
  • Consistent - Sha256 hashes are calculated when the file is written, and verified when read back out.



When a file is written to ReGrid, a files record is written to a files table. Then the file is broken up into chunks which are written as separate records in a chunks table. Once all the chunks are written, the files record is updated to show that the file is Complete. The file is now ready for read operations.


The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

Document Structure

Files record

  "id" : "<String>",
  "length" : "<Number>",
  "chunkSizeBytes" : "<Number>",
  "finishedAt" : "<Time>",
  "startedAt" : "<Time>",
  "deletedAt" : "<Time>",
  "sha256" : "<String>",
  "filename" : "<String>",
  "status" : "<String>",
  "metadata" : "<Object>"
Key Description
id a unique ID for this document.
length the length of this stored file, in bytes.
chunkSizeBytes the size, in bytes, of each data chunk of this file. This value is configurable by file. The default is 255KB (1024 * 255).
finishedAt the date and time this file finished writing to ReGrid. The value of this field MUST be the datetime when the upload completed, not the datetime when it was begun.
startedAt the date and time this file started writing to ReGrid. The value of this field MUST be the datetime when the upload started, not the datetime when it was finished.
deletedAt the date and time this files status was set to Deleted. The value of this field MUST be the datetime when file was marked Deleted.
sha256 SHA256 checksum for this user file, computed from the file’s data, stored as a hex string (lowercase).
filename the name of this stored file; this does not need to be unique.
status Status may be "Complete" or "Incomplete" or "Deleted".
metadata any additional application data the user wishes to store.

Chunks record

  "id": "<String>",
  "file_id": "<String>",
  "num": "<Number>",
  "data": "<Binary>"
Key Description
id a unique ID for this document.
file_id the id for this file (the id from the files table document).
num the index number of this chunk, zero-based
data a chunk of data from the user file


Note: Code examples are offered to give a sense of the API design of ReGrid. Adapt to your chosen language as necessary.

new ReGrid(connectionOptions, bucketOptions)

ReGrid drivers MUST provide a constructor to return a new Bucket instance, which exposes all the public API methods.

connectionOptions MAY be an existing connection, if that is more suitable to your chosen language.

Code Example
var connectionOptions = {
  // required connection options. Adapt to your chosen language.

var bucketOptions = {
  bucketName: 'fs',
  chunkSizeBytes: 1024 * 255, // 255KB SHOULD be the default chunk size.
  concurrency: 10 // OPTIONAL - useful if you are writing files asynchronously

var bucket = new ReGrid(connectionOptions, bucketOptions)

bucket // a new bucket instance


ReGrid drivers MUST provied a method to create required tables and indexes.

Table Names

Two tables MUST be created for ReGrid to function, the 'files' table and the 'chunks' table. Tables MUST be a combination of the bucketName followed by an underscore and the table type. Given the default bucketName of 'fs' the files table MUST be named fs_files and the chunks table MUST be named fs_chunks

The driver MUST check whether the tables already exist before creating them. If creating the tables fails the driver MUST return an error.


For efficient retrieval of files and chunks, a few indexes are required by ReGrid. Indexes MUST be named as shown below.

r.table('<FilesTable>').indexCreate('file_ix', [r.row('status'), r.row('filename'), r.row('finishedAt')])

r.table('<ChunksTable>').indexCreate('chunk_ix', [r.row('file_id'), r.row('num')])

The driver MUST check whether the indexes already exist before creating them. If creating the indexes fails the driver MUST return an error.

Code Example
var bucket = new ReGrid(connectionOptions, bucketOptions)

// Takes no arguments, and is asynchronous. Node.js ReGrid library returns a promise, adapt to your chosen language.
bucket.initBucket().then(function () {
  // Tables and indexes MUST now be ready for use.
  // use tableWait() and indexWait()

bucket.createWriteStream(filename, options)

Drivers SHOULD use their languages built-in stream abstraction. Otherwise, they MUST provide their own.

Code Example
// An options object MAY be passed in. All fields are optional.
var options = {
  chunkSizeBytes: 1024 * 255,
  metadata: null

bucket.createWriteStream(filename, options) // returns a stream


Get a readStream by id

Code Example
bucket.createReadStreamById(file_id) // returns a stream

createReadStreamByFilename(filename, options)

Get a readStream by filename. Since filenames are not unique, there can be multiple "revisions" of a file. A user may optionally specify a revision in the options object.

Code Example
var options = {
  // Revision numbers are defined as follows:
  // 0 = the original stored file
  // 1 = the first revision
  // 2 = the second revision
  // etc…
  // -2 = the second most recent revision
  // -1 = the most recent revision
  // Defaults to -1 (the most recent revision).

  revision: -1

bucket.createReadStreamByFilename(filename, options) // returns a stream

Finding Files


Deleting Files


Renaming Files


Maintenance Operations