
True FIFO locks based on redlock-py

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status PyPI version


Redlock-FIFO adds true FIFO ordering on top of Redlock-py. Similar to other implementations of Redlock, extend support was also added.

Why would I use this ?

If you need a true FIFO in a lightweight distributed locking manager.

To prevent starvation, we add a simple FIFO queue implemented on top of redlock to manage access to the requested lock. This queue allows us to guarantee FIFO access to a resource.


python setup.py install


# create a lock manager
lockmanager = FIFORedlock([{“host”: “localhost”, “port”: 6379, “db”: 0}]) 

# Acquire a lock for 1000ms
my_lock = lockmanager.lock("my_resource_name", 1000)

# To extend a lock for another 1000ms
lockmanager.extend(my_lock, 1000)

# To release a lock

Running Tests

tox -r

These tests make sure that the lock algorithm is reliable. Test suite is run against python 2.7 and python 3.4


Feel free to raise issues and send some pull request, we'll be happy to look at them!


Apache License Version 2.0