Hi there 👋

🙋 Welcome to the repository for the Trawl data from the CCGS Sir John Franklin collected in 2022 as part of the International Year of the Salmon High Seas Expedition.

🤖 See the metadata record for this dataset here: https://doi.org/10.21966/gmrz-ad56

🐟 The repository is structured as follows:

  • original_data contains processed data files that have been sent to the IYS Data Scientists that have not been formatted to the IYS Data Template.
  • IYS_data_template contains the processed data files that have been provided in the IYS Data Template.
  • standardized_data contains the standardized data tables as they will be published to OBIS or ERDDAP.
  • scripts contains the code used to format the data files from either the original_data or IYS_data_template folder to the data tables as found in standardized_data.
  • docs contains any supplementary material, protocols, changelogs etc relevant for data interpretation.

🦐 Check out our about page for more info! https://international-year-of-the-salmon.github.io/about/index.html