
JSF & Facelets Snippets Plugin for Sublime Text 2/3 @by Alfredo

JSF & Facelets - Sublime Plugin

A sublime plugin complete with JSF & Facelets snippets

What's included - contents


There are 3 methods for installing this plugin.

  1. Search for "JSF & Facelets Snippets" via the "Package Control: Install Packages" menu. Note: If you don't have Sublime Package Control installed, you can find out how to install it here https://sublime.wbond.net/installation

  2. Clone the repository into your Sublime Text 2/3 packages directory. `git clone https://github.com/internoma/jsf-facelets-sublime-plugin.git

  3. Download the .zip file and unzip it into your Sublime Text 2/3 packages directory. Note: You can find your Sublime Text 2/3 packages directory by going to Preferences > Browse Packages.


<helpers />
    jsf: #{value}

<c: />

    jsf-if: <c:if />
    jsf-set: <c:set />

<h: /> http://www.jsftoolbox.com/documentation/help/12-TagReference/html/index.jsf

    jsf-body: <h:body />
    jsf-button: <h:button />
    jsf-column: <h:column />
    jsf-commandbutton: <h:commandButton />
    jsf-commandlink: <h:commandLink />
    jsf-datatable: <h:dataTable />
    jsf-form: <h:form />
    jsf-graphicimage: <h:graphicImage />
    jsf-head: <h:head />
    jsf-inputhidden: <h:inputHidden />
    jsf-inputsecret: <h:inputSecret />
    jsf-inputtext: <h:inputText />
    jsf-inputtextarea: <h:inputTextarea />
    jsf-link: <h:link />
    jsf-panelgroup: <h:panelGroup />
    jsf-panelgrid: <h:panelGrid />
    jsf-outputlink: <h:outputLink />
    jsf-outputtext: <h:outputText />
    jsf-outputscript: <h:outputScript />
    jsf-outputstylesheet: <h:outputStylesheet />
    jsf-selectbooleancheckbox: <h:selectBooleanCheckbox />
    jsf-selectmanycheckbox: <h:selectManyCheckbox />

<ui: /> http://www.jsftoolbox.com/documentation/facelets/10-TagReference/ui.jsf

    jsf-component: <ui:component /> The UI Component tag inserts a new UIComponent instance into the JSF component tree.
    jsf-composition: <ui:composition /> The UI Composition tag is a templating tag that wraps content to be included in another Facelet.
    jsf-debug: <ui:debug /> The UI Debug tag allows you to display helpful information about the JSF component tree and scoped variables in your browser when you test your JSF pages.
    jsf-decorate: <ui:decorate /> The UI Decorate tag is a templating tag that decorates content included from another Facelet.
    jsf-define: <ui:define /> The Define tag is a templating tag that defines named content to be inserted into a template.
    jsf-fragment: <ui:fragment /> The UI Fragment tag inserts a new UIComponent instance into the JSF component tree.
    jsf-include: <ui:include /> The UI Include tag is a server-side include tag for Facelets.
    jsf-insert: <ui:insert /> The UI Insert tag is a templating tag that declares a named content element to be defined by another Facelet.
    jsf-param: <ui:param /> The UI Param tag is used to pass objects as named variables between Facelets. 
    jsf-remove: <ui:remove /> The UI Remove tag is used to specify tags or blocks of content that should be removed from your page by the Facelets view handler at compile time.
    jsf-repeat: <ui:repeat /> The UI Repeat tag is used to iterate over a collection of objects exposed to the JSF page as a value-binding EL expression.

<fn: />

    jsf:upper: #{fn:toUpperCase([variable]/'texto')}
    jsf:lower: #{fn:toLowerCase([variable]/'texto')}

###Following is the list of JSTL Functions:

    Function                Description
    ========                ===========
    fn:contains()           Tests if an input string contains the specified substring.
    fn:containsIgnoreCase() Tests if an input string contains the specified substring in a case insensitive way.
    fn:endsWith()           Tests if an input string ends with the specified suffix.
    fn:escapeXml()          Escapes characters that could be interpreted as XML markup.
    fn:indexOf()            Returns the index withing a string of the first occurrence of a specified substring.
    fn:join()               Joins all elements of an array into a string.
    fn:length()             Returns the number of items in a collection, or the number of characters in a string.
    fn:replace()            Returns a string resulting from replacing in an input string all occurrences with a given string.
    fn:split()              Splits a string into an array of substrings.
    fn:startsWith()         Tests if an input string starts with the specified prefix.
    fn:substring()          Returns a subset of a string.
    fn:substringAfter()     Returns a subset of a string following a specific substring.
    fn:substringBefore()    Returns a subset of a string before a specific substring.
    fn:toLowerCase()        Converts all of the characters of a string to lower case.
    fn:toUpperCase()        Converts all of the characters of a string to upper case.
    fn:trim()               Removes white spaces from both ends of a string.
Component Snippet code
this help jsf-help
'<c:if />' jsf-if
'<c:set />' jsf-set


JSF & Facelets Snippets - Sublime Plugin is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.