- 0
Set target dir for uploads
#101 opened by claell - 9
Support uploading of directories
#102 opened by claell - 5
Rclone + Docker support?
#113 opened by ne0ark - 1
Upload a stream
#125 opened by jdeus - 7
⚠ Error: Missing Etag in response when uploading file
#126 opened by jdeus - 0
upload-file overwrite option
#163 opened by ro-r - 0
internxt delete-permanently-file older than x
#164 opened by ro-r - 1
- 6
rclone is throwing Errors, restic not working
#133 opened by schmurian - 1
- 6
- 3
- 4
⚠Error on login
#127 opened by puertocastilla - 0
rclone ls error
#128 opened by szahn1965 - 8
Restic does not work with Internxt Drive.
#111 opened by uncharted-user - 4
Installing CLI showing warnings about depreciated packages and public vulnerability!
#120 opened by uncharted-user - 4
Rclone mount subfolders issue
#121 opened by jpmenil - 2
- 2
rclone copy 2nd run
#110 opened by szahn1965 - 4
- 1
rclone chunker
#106 opened by szahn1965 - 2
How to disable https on webdav?
#108 opened by gregfr - 2
Unable to add certificate on Fedora linux.
#109 opened by uncharted-user - 1
- 12
#100 opened by babygitter - 1
ECONNREFUSED with login or webdav enable
#97 opened by mfortini