ImportX ImportX is a utility addon designed to allow users to import comma seperated values (CSV) into the MODX system as new resources. It expects a heading line, which is the first line of the CSV values and consists of MODX resource field names, or TV IDs. An example of a valid heading line could be: pagetitle;menutitle;alias;tv2;content It will use the heading throughout the rest of the CSV values to make sure the references are correct. If it is not, it will throw an error. TVs need to be specified by the prefix "tv" and the ID of the TV it needs to be added to, like "tv2" in the example heading above. CSV can be imported from manual input (copy/paste) or from file upload. # Settings ## importx.datatype * "csv": default datatype * "csvplus": improved parse of csv (multiline, escape, enclosure) ## importx.processor ImportX has been developed with funding by Working Party, a Sydney based Digital Agency.