
A complete Interval example app

Primary LanguageTypeScript

🚨 Important! ViewTube is very much a work-in-progress! Expect this repo to change substantially in the near future.


ViewTube is a pretend video-streaming app used in Interval examples. This repo contains the source code for ViewTube and it's internal tools. It is designed to show you how Interval works in "real world" applications.

Many things in the app/tools are mocked or aren't yet implemented.

Project structure

ViewTube uses the popular Prisma ORM for all database access.

Because the project is primarily designed to show how to build internal tools with Interval, the public-facing ViewTube website is intentionally simple. It's an Express app with a few routes defined in src/index.ts. All the views for the Express app are stored in src/views.

Environment variables are loaded and parsed with Zod in src/envVars.ts.

All internal tools are located in src/internal-tools.


  1. yarn install
  2. Create a .env file at the top level of the repository. The .env file should contain:
  1. yarn run force-init-db
  2. yarn run dev

The run dev command will start the public-facing Express app on port 4000 and will connect to the Interval account associated with the API key that you specified in your .env file.