
An inventory app for Nextcloud. Manage your inventory.



  • List all items and their properties in your inventory
  • Sort items into folders or places
  • Link parent, related and sub items
  • Upload attachments such as invoices and manuals
  • Upload images for items
  • Find item instances by their storage place
  • Assign unique UUIDs and find item instances by scanning their GTIN or UUID QR code
  • Create UUID QR code sticker sheets
  • Assign tags to items and search by tag

Build the app

To build you need to have Node.js installed.

  • Install JS dependencies: npm ci
  • Build JavaScript for the frontend
    • npm run dev development build
    • npm run watch watch for changes
    • npm run build production build

Read more about necessary prerequisites for manual installs.

Running tests

You can run the front-end tests by using:

npm run test