
React Native implementation of the photoeditorsdk (https://www.photoeditorsdk.com/)

Primary LanguageObjective-CThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Photo Editor SDK React Native

This project aims to be a complete implementation of the PhotoEditor SDK (https://www.photoeditorsdk.com/) in React Native for iOS and Android.

Please note: a PhotoEditorSDK license is needed for usage: https://www.photoeditorsdk.com/ Unfortunetaly pricing is only available after asking for a quote. But it's affordable ;)


You can:

  • Open the PESDK Camera
  • Open the Editor with a given image path
  • Use iOS & Android
  • Specify which editor features should be enabled
  • Retrieve the edited image path afterwards
  • Use TypeScript since a declaration file exists

You can't (currently, but on todo list)

  • Specify the path of the exported images
  • Add own stickers



Install the npm package via npm i photo-editor-sdk-react-native --save or yarn add photo-editor-sdk-react-native --save.


Step 0 - Follow the official installation guide

In order to have the base module running, follow the installation guide at https://docs.photoeditorsdk.com/guides/android/v5/introduction/overview

Don't forget the PESDK.init() call to your MainApplication.java.

Step 1 - Modify settings.gradle

Add the following lines to your settings.gradle:

include ':photo-editor-sdk-react-native'
project(':photo-editor-sdk-react-native').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/photo-editor-sdk-react-native/android')

Step 2 - Modify build.gradle file (app)

Add the following lines to your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    compile project(':photo-editor-sdk-react-native')

Step 3 - Modify getPackages() inside MainApplication.java

Add the PESDKPackage to the getPackages function inside MainApplication.java

protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
    return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
        new PESDKPackage(),

That's it - you're done!


Step 0 - Follow the official installation guide

In order to have the base module running, follow the installation guide at https://docs.photoeditorsdk.com/guides/ios/v8/introduction/overview but be sure to NOT use use_frameworks!.

Step 1

Add photo-editor-sdk-react-native to your Podfile:

pod 'photo-editor-sdk-react-native', :path => '../node_modules/photo-editor-sdk-react-native'

and run pod install afterwards.

in AppDelegate.m add @import PhotoEditorSDK; (objective c)

then this line: [PESDK unlockWithLicenseAt:[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"ios_license" withExtension:nil]];

obtain your ios_license and import it by opening your project in xcode, right clight on your project, add files to project, import it. URLForResource should match name of the file.

then set Set the Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries build setting in your project’s Build Settings tab to Yes.

Step 2

Add the privacy keys to your Info.plist file or otherwise the app will crash when trying to use the camera or accessing the media library:

<string>Take photos</string>
<string>Choose Photos from library</string>

Step 3

Don't forget the [PESDK unlockWithLicenseAt:[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"<<YOUR LICENSE FILE>>" withExtension:nil]]; call to your AppDelegate.m. (or equivalent in Swift) Make sure to include your license file in Copy Bundle Resource under Build Phases.

That's it - you're done!


Configuration options


Available editor features are represented as constants:

  • Transformation (PESDK.transformTool)
  • Filters (PESDK.filterTool)
  • Focus points (PESDK.focusTool)
  • Color Adjustment (PESDK.adjustTool)
  • Text (PESDK.textTool)
  • Stickers (PESDK.stickerTool)
  • Overlays (PESDK.overlayTool)
  • Brush (PESDK.brushTool)
  • Magic (PESDK.magic) not available on Android

see how to use them below.


Avaiable configuration options are also represented as constant keys. The config has to be supplied as an array. See example below.

  • Background color for camera (PESDK.backgroundColorCameraKey)
  • Background color for editor (PESDK.backgroundColorEditoKey)
  • Background color for the editor menu (PESDK.backgroundColorMenuEditorKey)
  • Camera roll allowed (PESDK.cameraRollAllowedKey)
  • Show filters in camera (PESDK.showFiltersInCameraKey)
  • Force croping (PESDK.forceCrop) set to true, defaults to false

Configuration will be ignored on android currently since not supported. Please use layout override described here: https://docs.photoeditorsdk.com/guides/android/v5/customization/styling

Import the module

At the top of your .js or .ts file add import PESDK from 'photo-editor-sdk-react-native';

Open the image editor

Supply an image path to the editor and define the features you need:

.then((imagePath) => /* .. do something with it .. */)
.catch((err) => /* .. handle the error .. */);

If you want to open the editor with all features you could for example achieve this by:

PESDK.openEditor('path-to-your-image', [
], {
  [PESDK.backgroundColorCameraKey]: '#000',
  [PESDK.backgroundColorEditorKey]: '#000',
  [PESDK.backgroundColorMenuEditorKey]: '#000',
  [PESDK.cameraRollAllowedKey]: false,
  [PESDK.showFiltersInCameraKey]: true,
.then((imagePath) => console.log(imagePath))
.catch((err) => console.error(err));

Note for iOS users: Since Apple is a bit restrictive on file system access you may have to fiddle with RNFetchBlob (https://github.com/wkh237/react-native-fetch-blob) to directly open the editor with an image filepath.

Open the camera view

Open the camera and after choosing or taking an image enhance it with the editor:

.then((imagePath) => /* .. do something with it .. */)
.catch((err) => /* .. handle the error .. */);

Example with all options available used:

], {
  [PESDK.backgroundColorCameraKey]: '#000',
  [PESDK.backgroundColorEditorKey]: '#000',
  [PESDK.backgroundColorMenuEditorKey]: '#000',
  [PESDK.cameraRollAllowedKey]: false,
  [PESDK.showFiltersInCameraKey]: true,
.then((imagePath) => console.log(imagePath))
.catch((err) => console.error(err));

Note for iOS: There is no back button implemented so I added a swipe down gesture recognizer for closing the camera. On Android the hardware back button will work.


Contribution is always welcome via pull requests :)


Unlicense: http://unlicense.org/ - Just do what you want with it.