
Dart Project

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


A utility library made with Replit!


dart pub add volt

After installing the package, import the lib/volt.dart file.

import 'package:volt/volt.dart';


Detailed Pretty Printing

The String format(dynamic entity) function turns List, LinkedHashMap, and other Object types into readable strings.

class Test {
  int id = 0;
  static const original = 0;
  static void greet(String name) {
    print('Hello, $name!');

void main() {
  print(format({ "id": 0, "items": ["app", "ban"], "test": new Test() }));

The console will output the text below with details like the length of the list, keys, and properties.

LinkedHashMap (3) {
  "id": 0,
  "items": List (2) [
  "test": Test (4) {
    int id;
    static const final int original;
    static void greet => static void greet(String name) {
      print('Hello, $name!');
    Test Test => null;