
A clean linux & docker dev environment without all the associated heaviness of a virtual machine

Primary LanguagePython

Docker based Ubuntu dev environment

I built this because I wanted to be able to spin up a clean linux dev environment without all the associated heaviness of a virtual machine.

Here is what it gives me,

  1. Basic commands like sudo, curl, nano
  2. Installs latest version of node on start
  3. Installs ohmyzsh, and the powerline fonts
  4. Git support
  5. Homebrew (linuxbrew)


  1. Ensure you have docker installed and running
  2. Clone this repo
  3. Open terminal and run, chmod +x build.sh
  4. And run chmod +x run.sh
  5. Run ./build.sh
  6. Run ./run.sh

Easy! This should give you a linux prompt for a user called "devuser" with password "p@ssword1". This user is a sudoer.

If you wish to change the zsh theme,

  1. cd ~
  2. sudo chmod +x installthemes.sh
  3. ./installthemes.sh
  4. Edit your .zshrc, and change the theme (I like agnoster)
  5. Optionally capture it using docker commit (see https://winsmarts.com/snapshot-a-docker-container-20df59bbd473)

Rock on!