
spring-boot based REST skeleton app

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

spring rest skeleton

spring-boot based REST skeleton app

# installation

  • setup src/main/resources/application-dev.properties from template (src/main/resources/application-dev.template.properties)
  • run SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=dev,default mvn spring-boot:run

# supported libs/technologies


  • app supports i18n messages, just fill them in src/main/resources/i18n/messages_{locale}.properties
  • locale is firstly retrieved from Accept header and then stored in cookie
  • locale can be changed by GET parameter ?setLocale=en
  • example is available at GET /demo/i18n


  • mailService for sending templatable email messages
  • email supports: thymeleaf templating engine, i18n messages, absolute linked images, attachments
  • you can setup your own mail message template preparator (example) For every type of message (template) you need to implement separate MailPreparator.
  • usage: mailService.send(new ExampleMailPreparator());
  • an example endpoint to send a demo email: GET /demo/mail


  1. create your own entity (e.g. Post.java)
  2. Implement your own repository (e.g. PostRepository.java) and expose it as @RepositoryRestResource
  3. check /api/posts (or rest of the HATEOAS REST endpoints)
  • some examples of valid EPs (GET|POST|PATCH|PUT|DELETE /api/{repo}/{id}/{property}/{propertyId})
  • GET|POST /api/posts
  • GET /api/posts/1/tags
  • GET|PUT|PATCH|DELETE /api/posts/1
  • GET|DELETE /api/posts/1/tags/1