- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#74 opened by renovate - 2
Joplin-desktop snap fails to start with ego
#90 opened by Hooloovoo - 5
How to get controllers working in steam?
#82 opened by crestfalln - 3
- 2
Add PipeWire camera/screen sharing support
#132 opened by intgr - 3
[Question/Request] Use an active Network Namespace
#169 opened by anzix - 2
Cannot locate PulseAudio cookie
#150 opened by znawcaphotona - 1
- 3
- 1
Doas support
#160 opened by domodoiddd - 4
ego kills terminal
#91 opened by yacc143 - 0
error's with ego + bubblejail
#154 opened by Nathan22211 - 3
Gtk-WARNING **: 09:53:52.943: Could not load a pixbuf from /org/gtk/libgtk/theme/Adwaita/assets/bullet-symbolic.svg
#151 opened by TheYoctoManju - 2
- 9
`ego` user home directory not created by AUR package
#131 opened by Bad3r - 4
Lack of access to USB
#126 opened by pgrondek - 0
similar concept to my subu scripts
#110 opened by Thomas-Walker-Lynch - 1
binary release?
#94 opened by unhammer - 4
Fails to compile
#65 opened by Fabioah - 5
Can't run any program
#66 opened by Fabioah - 4
"Can't open display" on KDE Plasma + Wayland
#67 opened by cuihaoleo - 2
Cannot compile/link using cargo
#70 opened by Krandelbord - 0
Investigate Steam download issue
#52 opened by intgr - 4
Signal-Desktop fails to start as a second user
#61 opened by Hooloovoo - 1
- 2
No sound in sudo mode?
#60 opened by Hooloovoo - 3
GUI for password prompt
#57 opened by kiwec - 7
Teams does not run directly, but works via bash
#50 opened by greemo - 0
PulseAudio socket loses ACL periodically
#15 opened by intgr - 0
- 0
Revoke guest user access after exiting?
#55 opened by intgr - 1
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR unset when using sudo
#6 opened by intgr