
Stylesheet used by In The Pocket to style diagrams created with PlantUML

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

PlantUML Styles

This repository contains the style definitions we typically use in combination with PlantUML. To use these styles in a diagram, include the snippet below in your plantuml file.

!includeurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/inthepocket/plantuml-styles/master/styles.plantuml!0

Running the examples

This repository contains a number of examples that are meant to test the stylesheet in different scenarios. The recommended way to test these examples, is to use Visual Studio Code with the PlantUML plugin.

PlantUML server

This repository contains a modified version of the plantuml-server, released under the GPL3 license, that demonstrates how a stylesheet can be applied server-side. In this scenario, it is no longer necessary to use !include or !includeurl directives. To test it, run:

docker run -p 8080:8080 inthepocket/styled-plantuml-server