
Small 2D Game from 42Seoul Assignment.

Imitation of a classic profile-view game, Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo, 1985)

About this project

Screenshot 2023-11-03 at 14 46 48

This game is imitation of the game Super Mario Bros. (1985)

Movement of Goomba and Mario are implemented.

You can collect coins with your character, Mario by using WASD keys.

Getting Started


Compatible with M1(ARM) Macs and Intel Macs.


  1. Clone this repo.
git clone
  1. Compile so_long with Makefile
make all



You need a valid map path for play.

./so_long [map path]

Sample valid maps are in maps/valid/.

./so_long maps/valid/1.ber

Valid map

There are six conditions for valid map below.

You can make your own map that follows these conditions.

  • The map must be rectangular.
  • The map must be closed/surrounded by walls.
  • The map must have only five characters, 0(Space), 1(Wall), P(layer), C(ollectibles, and E(xit).
  • The map must have only one P(layer) and E(xit).
  • The map must have at least one C(ollectibles).
  • You have to check if there's a valid path in the map.

Game play

You are a player Mario. Collect every coins and reach to princess Peach.

Please be carefull, a enemy Goomba is moving around princess Peach.

You can jump and smash the enemy Goomba, but if you meet with Goomba at Goomba's eye level, game will be over.


jump - W, S, left - a, right - d, retry - r, quit the game - esc

Please Enjoy!

int main()
  return 0;