
Templates for Intility developers.

Primary LanguageMDXMIT LicenseMIT

Intility Developer Templates

This repository contains Intility Templates for Create React App and .NET, which aims to give Intility developers battle-tested sane defaults for their projects. More frameworks might be included in the future.

publish docs publish dotnet

🚀Getting started

To get started with a project, simply run one of the following commands.

Vite + React + TypeScript + Bifrost:

npx degit intility/templates/react my-app
cd my-app

npm install
npm start


dotnet new --install Intility.Templates
dotnet new intilityapi -o MyApi

There is a lot more to it, so please visit the docs for the next steps.

Repository structure

Contains a Vite + React + Typescript template.

Contains all templates for .NET.

Contains all templates for FastAPI.

Docs for these templates, made with docusaurus.