Makes compilation videos and upload them to Youtube
The compilation maker scrapes videos uploaded by the people who you follow using the provided instagram account.
You can also post shorts, for that scrape videos from people who upload videos which are shot in vertical orientation with a 9:16 aspect ratio and 1920 pixels by 1080 pixels resolution.
Reffer to this video for making you application , so that we can make you of the Youtube API
This project was inspired from, But it doesnt work any longer ig (concludes after trying it out and going through the issues in the repo)
- Don't you the tool on any instagram accounts with out their allowance
- The CPU will go brrrr.. When the video is being compiled , So there are chances things get hot etc and etc
- You need to wait for about 10 days for getting your application verrified, after that your yt vids be public
- You need to have a intro.mp4 for the videos intro
- You need python and pip installed
git clone
cd Ytmaker
pip install -r requirements.txt